Greg Gagne Remembers Hulk Hogan’s Absence at AWA Event Due to his WWE Contract Signing

Greg Gagne Remembers Hulk Hogan’s Absence at AWA Event Due to his WWE Contract Signing
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Greg Gagne, during a recent episode of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, reminisced about Hulk Hogan’s unanticipated absence from an AWA event in the early 1980s. Notably, this event was followed by Hogan signing up with WWE.

Here are some essential points from the podcast:

Speaking about Hulk Hogan’s memory of missing out on an AWA event, Gagne stated: “Christmas was historically a significant time; we hosted our main events from Christmas evening until the close of the initial week of January. Hogan had secured some victories in the Battle Royals, and therefore had a match lined up for the following week, which needed a controversial ending. … We were engaged in Six-Man Tag Team matches alongside Hogan, as well as Blackwell, Bockwinkel, and Stevens. However, on Christmas evening in Minneapolis, Saint Paul, despite a sold-out arena, Hogan was noticeably absent.”

Gagne shared how Vince McMahon seized the opportunity of Hogan’s absence and signed him when he was on a trip to Japan: “Upon Hogan’s return around Christmas week, when we had our biggest shows lined up, McMahon didn’t waste any time. He met Hogan on the plane, traveled to Japan with him, and formalized Hogan’s signing in Japan itself.”

When Gagne encountered Hogan again, he imparted some advice: “My words to him were, ‘This is not the professional way to do things. You should know this. It is fine if you want to quit, but honor your existing commitments. Complete this Christmas week and then you can leave.’”