GoFundMe Launched To Help Shotzi’s Sister Battle Liver Cancer

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Shotzi shaved her head this past week on WWE SmackDown as part of her ongoing storyline with Damage CTRL.

However, Shotzi later revealed on her Instagram story that she shaved her head in support of her sister Shawnee, who is battling liver cancer.


A GoFundMe has now been launched to aid Shawnee in her recovery from a hepatectomy, in which part of her liver will be removed.

The current goal is $30,000 and so far, close to half of that amount has been raised.

You can check out the campaign details below:

We’ve created a go fund me to help Shawn with her recovery from surgery and whatever else she needs during her battle with cancer.

For our friends and family who aren’t aware, Shawn got diagnosed with Liver Cancer during the holidays and will be going into treatment starting this week.

Liver cancer is rare and is a type of Cancer that chemo therapy can’t cure alone. So she’s scheduled to get a hepatectomy, and will have a portion of her liver removed – about 1/4 – 1/2. So we are hoping to raise enough funds to help her during this treatment and recovery period as she has been out of work while she’s on the mend.

We are praying for Shawn’s speedy recovery, and we know she’s going beat cancers ass.

We thank you in advance for your contribution and for being a rad human beings.”

A later update noted that the surgery was successful, but Shawnee has been diagnosed with stage III B cholangiocarcinoma, which spread to one of her lymph nodes. She has been on chemotherapy.

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