“Given the choice, I’d prefer to join forces with Vader rather than confront him.”

“Given the choice, I’d prefer to join forces with Vader rather than confront him.”
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In a recent episode of his personal podcast, “The ARN Show”, WWE Hall of Famer Arn Anderson recalls his days in the ring with Vader, reflecting on their time as tag team partners and competitors in solo matches.

Here are a few key takeaways from this special edition of the podcast:

Referring to his time partnering with Vader, Anderson said, “Having Vader on my side was always more desirable than being on the receiving end of his blows. And trust me, it was no walk in the park. The man was nearly unstoppable, weighing in at close to four hundred and fifty pounds at his highest.”

When speaking about his own matches against Vader, Anderson admitted, “Surviving was my only strategy. Step into the ring, survive the match, and get out – that was the plan. And if anyone walks into a match with Vader claiming not to feel a sense of dread, they’re not being honest.”

Reflecting on his attempts to avoid getting on the wrong side of Vader during tag team matches, Anderson confessed, “I won’t deny it; I wanted to be in his corner rather than facing him in the ring. Call it what you want – fear, cowardice, or just plain common sense. Vader was a formidable opponent to say the least.”

You can listen to the full episode of Anderson speaking about his experiences with Vader below.