Gina DeLucia Reveals Lack of Explanation from WWE Regarding Her Release

Gina DeLucia Reveals Lack of Explanation from WWE Regarding Her Release
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Former WWE NXT Superstar Gina DeLucia was given no reason behind her release from the promotion when she was cut in September of this year.

On a recent edition of the “Developmentally Speaking” podcast, DeLucia spoke about being signed in 2022 and the circumstances surrounding her release. She said,


“Nothing [she responded when asked what was the reason WWE gave for her release]. No, which it sucked of course but, at the end of the day, it’s a business and I wasn’t on TV yet so, in their opinion, it’s why are we gonna have her if she’s not on TV yet? And unfortunately, I wish I would have had more time to show them all that I can do. But, at the end of the day, it’s a business, I understand and I’m gonna make the best of my opportunities now.”

Despite being given no reason, DeLucia had plenty of positive things to say about WWE and her time with the promotion. She said,

“I have nothing but amazing things to say about WWE, NXT, all of the coaches there. So helpful, I’m so grateful that I was able to learn from some of the best and the wrestlers too, a lot of them were very knowledgeable and wanted to share their knowledge with all of us new people that were coming in without experience. It was really nice to, you know, just obtain all that knowledge and to have guidance from a lot of those former wrestlers.”

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Former WWE NXT Superstar Gina DeLucia recently opened up about her release from the promotion and her time with WWE. DeLucia, who was cut from the company in September of this year, revealed that she was given no reason for her release.

During an episode of the “Developmentally Speaking” podcast, DeLucia discussed her signing with WWE in 2022 and the circumstances surrounding her departure. When asked about the reason given by WWE for her release, she responded, “Nothing. No, which it sucked of course but, at the end of the day, it’s a business and I wasn’t on TV yet so, in their opinion, it’s why are we gonna have her if she’s not on TV yet? And unfortunately, I wish I would have had more time to show them all that I can do. But, at the end of the day, it’s a business, I understand and I’m gonna make the best of my opportunities now.”

Despite not receiving an explanation for her release, DeLucia had nothing but positive things to say about WWE and her time with the promotion. She expressed gratitude for the opportunity to learn from some of the best coaches and wrestlers in NXT. She mentioned how helpful and knowledgeable they were, especially considering her lack of experience in professional wrestling. DeLucia appreciated the guidance and knowledge she gained from her time with WWE.

In addition to her podcast appearance, DeLucia also shared a video on YouTube titled “Gina DeLucia S8 E10 (NXT)” where she further discussed her journey in NXT.

While DeLucia’s release from WWE may have been disappointing, she remains optimistic about her future in the wrestling industry. She plans to make the best of her opportunities moving forward.

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In conclusion, Gina DeLucia’s release from WWE without a given reason has left her disappointed but determined to make the most of her future opportunities. She speaks highly of her time with WWE and expresses gratitude for the knowledge and guidance she received from the coaches and wrestlers in NXT. Fans can continue to follow DeLucia’s journey and stay informed about wrestling news on