GCW Expresses Interest in Organizing Sabu’s Retirement Match in the Following Year, Sabu Reports.

GCW Expresses Interest in Organizing Sabu’s Retirement Match in the Following Year, Sabu Reports.
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After an accomplished and storied wrestling career, Sabu is actively working toward conditioning himself for his impending retirement match.

In a recent interview as part of ‘Conversations with The Wrestling Classic’, Sabu revealed that Game Changer Wrestling (GCW) wishes for him to conduct his retirement match under their flagship branding in January 2025. However, the legendary wrestler expressed his preference for All Elite Wrestling (AEW) to host the monumental event.

He voiced his determination, stating that, “My aim is to consistently hit the gym until my swansong match. I am fully aware that the end isn’t imminent. GCW suggested I carry out my final match with them in January. I responded saying ‘I’m not certain I’ll be in optimal shape.’ I don’t aspire to have my last match in January. I’d prefer it in July and ideally in Las Vegas.”

Sabu further explained, “I’ll indeed have a concluding match in due course, I’m not in the best shape for it yet. The physical wear and tear is taking a toll, but I remain hopeful that my pain will eventually lessen. I’m sure this will happen. I’d perhaps like to hold my ultimate match with AEW considering their vast reach and substantial remuneration.”