Gabbi Tuft, also known as Tyler Reks, hints at a potential comeback in the wrestling ring with the statement ‘Something’s Coming’.

Gabbi Tuft, also known as Tyler Reks, hints at a potential comeback in the wrestling ring with the statement ‘Something’s Coming’.
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Former WWE Superstar Gabbi Tuft was a recent guest on “The Ten Count” podcast to discuss a variety of topics, including the possibility of an in-ring return.

Additionally, the former Tyler Reks commented on undergoing heart surgery back in 2019.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On a possible return to the ring: “Yeah, well possibilities that me returning to the ring are absolutely endless. I did go by Dustin’s [The Nightmare Factory] and I did hop in the ring. I didn’t bump. I didn’t run the ropes. There just a moment where I was there visiting him, saying hi, talking to him. I said, ‘Hey buddy, you think I stick a toe in the ring.’ They were doing their weekly YouTube taping. He goes, ‘Yeah, come on, let’s go,’ and the second I stepped in that ring like my heart center just opened and I felt all this nostalgia come back. That was the moment when I was like, ‘Yep, I think I need to do something about this.’”

On undergoing heart surgery in 2019: “I did have a heart surgery in 2019 at Stanford. I had an aortic aneurysm, so it’s genetic. My mom had it done a year before me. Actually, on the 28th of this month, Stanford is reviewing all my scans to determine what, if any, limitations I have in the ring. So once I hear back from them, then we’ll know exactly what my capabilities are in the ring. I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, I’m … something’s coming. I can’t tell you what, but something’s coming. As far as the Rumble, wouldn’t that be an amazing spot?”

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Former WWE Superstar Gabbi Tuft, also known as Tyler Reks, recently appeared on “The Ten Count” podcast to discuss various topics, including the possibility of returning to the wrestling ring. Tuft also opened up about undergoing heart surgery in 2019.

During the podcast, Tuft expressed that the possibilities of a return to the ring are endless. While visiting Dustin’s (The Nightmare Factory) training facility, Tuft stepped into the ring and felt a rush of nostalgia and excitement. This moment made Tuft realize that something needed to be done about the desire to return to wrestling.

In 2019, Tuft underwent heart surgery at Stanford due to an aortic aneurysm, which is a genetic condition. Tuft’s mother had also undergone the same surgery a year prior. Stanford is currently reviewing Tuft’s scans to determine any limitations that may exist for a return to the ring. Once the results are received, the exact capabilities in the ring will be known. However, Tuft confidently stated that something big is coming and hinted at the possibility of participating in the Rumble.

To learn more about Gabbi Tuft’s journey and thoughts on returning to wrestling, you can watch the podcast episode on YouTube.

For all your wrestling news, you can stay updated on Additionally, you can follow them on Twitter and Facebook for more updates.

Gabbi Tuft’s potential return to the wrestling ring has sparked excitement among fans who have been eagerly waiting to see her back in action. As Tuft continues her journey, fans will be eagerly anticipating any announcements regarding her future endeavors in the world of professional wrestling.