Fresh Lineup Revealed for the Upcoming Episode of AEW Collision this Friday & Dynamite’s Next Week Episode.

Fresh Lineup Revealed for the Upcoming Episode of AEW Collision this Friday & Dynamite’s Next Week Episode.
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The first confrontation has been officially set for this week’s episode of AEW Rampage. Wrestling enthusiasts will be tuning in on Friday to watch Gabe Kidd and Roderick Strong take on The Infantry.

Up until this moment, this is the sole contest revealed for the program.

The just-concluded episode of AEW Dynamite revealed the forthcoming battles for the upcoming week’s show, which are as follows:

An epic clash for the AEW International Championship between Will Ospreay and Daniel Garcia.

The semifinal match for the Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Prize between PAC and either Bryan Danielson or Shingo Takagi.

The quarterfinal match also for the same Men’s Owen Hart Foundation is between Jeff Jarrett and an unpredicted contender chosen by the Young Bucks.

The Women’s Owen Hart Foundation’s semifinal bout sees Kris Statlander going head-to-head with Willow Nightingale.

It is evident from a recent Twitter post that MJF has a challenge for Daniel Garcia. However, Will Ospreay, the defending AEW International Champion, has a counter-challenge up his sleeve!

In an additional tweet, All Elite Wrestling world Tag Team Champions and Executive Vice Presidents Matthew and Nicholas Jackson announced exclusive news for the next week.

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