Freddie Prinze Jr. voices his dissatisfaction over AEW’s management of Swerve Strickland.

Freddie Prinze Jr. voices his dissatisfaction over AEW’s management of Swerve Strickland.
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On a recent episode of his podcast “Wrestling With Freddie”, Freddie Prinze Jr. shared his hopes for Swerve Strickland to take on a larger role on AEW Television, beyond just participating in random matches.

Despite Strickland’s high-profile feud with Christian Cage for the AEW World Title, a feud that extended all the way to AEW Double or Nothing 2024 and an upcoming match against Will Ospreay at AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door 2024, Strickland continues to wrestle in bouts unrelated to his running storylines.

Here are some highlights from Prinze Jr.’s podcast:

Regarding AEW’s approach with Strickland leading up to Forbidden Door, Prinze Jr. commented, “They’re making him wrestle every week, which I don’t believe detracts from the title, but it feels like no significant storyline plans are in place until after we get past Forbidden Door… He can definitely charm the crowd with his words – his promo may not be a perfect ten, but is definitely a solid seven, and he always manages to rally the crowd behind him, and that’s worth its weight in gold.”

In reference to Strickland’s recent match on this week’s episode of Dynamite, he stated with an air of frustration, “I don’t know if he needs to wrestle against Roderick Strong. I’m not too sure, man. It’s vexing.”