Freddie Prinze Jr. Thinks LA Knight Should Be Given A Big Storyline Following MITB

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During the most recent edition of Wrestling With Freddy, Freddie Prinze Jr. talked about LA Knight and Knight coming up short when working the Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match. 

Logan Paul won the match. The former WWE creative writer thinks Knight should be given a big storyline coming off the loss. 


“Everybody got big love, except one dude. It’s so … at this point that I almost feel bad for the guy,” Prinze explained. “People just hate [Logan Paul]. It isn’t people just hating up, they hate him. They hate what he represents to so many people. They don’t hate success, because there’s plenty of successful people that don’t get that kind of visceral reaction, which is why he’s there, they want that response,” he said. “Which made me think, ‘They’re beating him so much, oh my god, is he going to actually win this?’ But I guess it was just for the crowd satisfaction, they decided to give the people what the people want. To some degree. The people wanted L.A. Knight to win, but that didn’t happen.”

Prinze continued, “Then he makes the reckless mistake that so many before him have made, and L.A. Knight’s older so he should be a student of the game. You don’t go for the briefcase in the middle of a fistfight on the top of a ladder. The people want to see L.A. Knight in an ‘A’ storyline, whether it’s the title or not. but I think they want to see him in the title picture.”

Quotes via Wrestling Inc

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