Freddie Prinze Jr. shares his perspective on CM Punk’s potential return and its impact on WrestleMania 40 plans

Freddie Prinze Jr. shares his perspective on CM Punk’s potential return and its impact on WrestleMania 40 plans
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Freddie Prinze Jr. doesn’t believe CM Punk’s return to WWE is going to impact some of the planned WrestleMania 40 matches.

Speaking on the latest episode of his “Wrestling With Freddie” podcast, the former WWE creative team writer commented on Punk’s return to WWE, whether the long-rumored plans for a Cody Rhodes vs. Roman Reigns are in jeopardy, and more.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On CM Punk’s return not impacting potential WrestleMania 40 matches: “If Vince was there, then I think that fear is valid. But I think with Hunter in control, what story has he told that hasn’t been long term, and I mean long freakin’ term? I don’t think there is one. I think they protected Cody as well as they could. He wrestled more times this year than anyone at WWE, as far as television matches go. It was 90 some plus matches I saw online.”

On his belief that Rhodes vs. Reigns is secure: “They tried to … because Roman doesn’t wrestle that much, so it’s hard. He’s not on TV, he’s part-time now, so it’s tough. So I think Royal Rumble, as they say, begins the road to WrestleMania. The match is Cody-Roman Part II, and this time he gets over, because the Bloodline won’t be at full strength, and I think he’ll finally get over, and I think Roman will go Hollywood and make movies. I don’t know.”

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Freddie Prinze Jr., the former WWE creative team writer, recently shared his thoughts on CM Punk’s return to WWE and its potential impact on WrestleMania 40 matches. In an episode of his podcast “Wrestling With Freddie,” he discussed the long-term storytelling approach of Triple H (also known as Hunter), the current head of WWE’s creative team.

Prinze Jr. expressed his belief that Punk’s return would not affect the planned WrestleMania 40 matches. He attributed this to Triple H’s ability to craft long-term storylines and protect characters. He mentioned that if Vince McMahon, WWE’s Chairman and CEO, were still in charge, there might be a reason for concern. However, with Triple H at the helm, Prinze Jr. had confidence in the direction of the storylines.

Regarding the rumored match between Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns, Prinze Jr. acknowledged the challenge of booking Reigns due to his reduced wrestling schedule. He mentioned that Reigns is now a part-time wrestler and not frequently seen on TV. However, Prinze Jr. speculated that the Royal Rumble event would set the stage for WrestleMania and that Rhodes vs. Reigns would be a significant part of it. He predicted that Rhodes would finally emerge victorious in their second encounter, as the Bloodline (Reigns’ faction) would not be at full strength. Additionally, Prinze Jr. suggested that Reigns might transition to Hollywood and pursue a career in movies.

In conclusion, Freddie Prinze Jr. shared his insights on CM Punk’s return to WWE and its potential impact on WrestleMania 40 matches. He expressed confidence in Triple H’s ability to deliver long-term storytelling and protect characters. Prinze Jr. also discussed the challenges of booking Roman Reigns due to his part-time status and speculated on the outcome of a potential match between Cody Rhodes and Reigns. Wrestling fans can stay updated on the latest news by visiting or following their social media accounts.