Fred Rosser issues a challenge to Tom Lawlor, Dalton Castle cautions Christian Cage, and Road Dogg commends Sting

Fred Rosser issues a challenge to Tom Lawlor, Dalton Castle cautions Christian Cage, and Road Dogg commends Sting
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Fred Rosser defeated Tom Lawlor in their fourth matchup on Friday night at NJPW Lonestar Shootout 2023.

In a new promo video released after the event, Rosser issued a challenge to Tom Lawlor for a fifth bout as they are now tied at 2-2.


The former Darren Young stated that he wants the decisive match to happen in Japan at some point next year.

The tiebreaker matchup shall determine which wrestler is the foundation of NJPW Strong.

You can check out Rosser’s promo below:

Dalton Castle lost to Nick Wayne on Saturday’s edition of AEW Collision

In a post-match interview, Castle verbally tore into Christian Cage and Luchasaurus due to their interference during the match.

Castle took out his frustrations by leveling insults and threats toward the heel trio.

You can check out some highlights from Castle below:

On the outcome of the match: “I lost to Nick Wayne?! That’s ridiculous! I’m sorry, Lexy. I’m not yelling at you. I’m not mad at you. It’s just this whole situation. Doesn’t anybody follow the rules anymore?! Rules are rules, Lexy. It makes me so furious. I’m just so mad. I want to punch a stranger in the face! Christian Cage came out there, right? He’s the TNT Champion? Bull crap. That guy doesn’t know drama. You want to see drama? You come to this peacock. I am the one the people crave. The viewers want to see ‘Dalton Drama Castle.’”

On his thoughts about Cage and Luchasaurus: “Christian Cage is dull, he’s dense, he’s dumb. Luchasaurus is an underdeveloped pollywog sticking his nose in other people’s business. Luchasaurus — Lexy, put the mic in my mouth! Luchasaurus, you put your hands on my boys again, and I’m going to break your knees, you hear me?! I’m furious! I’m livid! Lexy, I mean this, I am not mad at you, but I’m livid.”

On a recent edition of his “Oh…You Didn’t Know?” podcast, Brian “Road Dogg” James discussed ranking fourth on Pro Wrestling Illustrated’s Comeback Of The Year 2014 list.

James praised that year’s winner, Sting, for his capacity to work in the ring longer than he was able to.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On Sting’s ability to keep wrestling: “He’s a better man than me because I can’t do it. I can’t do it. This time, we were number four on the comeback list. That was about as far as I went.”

On Sting still being active a decade after winning: “I damn sure didn’t [think that], but I’ve seen him do some crazy things in his tenure over there [in AEW], so kudos to him, man.”

You can keep up with all your wrestling news right here on Or, you can follow us over on our Twitter and Facebook pages.


Fred Rosser, formerly known as Darren Young in WWE, emerged victorious in his fourth matchup against Tom Lawlor at NJPW Lonestar Shootout 2023. Following the event, Rosser issued a challenge to Lawlor for a fifth bout, as they are now tied at 2-2.

In a promo video released after the match, Rosser expressed his desire for the decisive match to take place in Japan next year. This tiebreaker matchup will determine which wrestler truly represents the foundation of NJPW Strong.

Rosser’s promo can be viewed on social media platforms, where he declared that there can only be one place for the fifth match – Japan. Fans of NJPW can look forward to this anticipated showdown between Rosser and Lawlor.

In other wrestling news, Dalton Castle suffered a loss to Nick Wayne on AEW Collision. In a post-match interview, Castle vented his frustrations towards Christian Cage and Luchasaurus for interfering in the match. Castle unleashed insults and threats towards the heel trio, expressing his anger and disappointment.

Castle’s emotional outburst can be seen in highlights from his interview, where he expressed disbelief at losing to Wayne and criticized Cage and Luchasaurus for their actions. He vowed to break Luchasaurus’ knees if he continued to interfere in his matches.

On a different note, Brian “Road Dogg” James discussed his ranking as fourth on Pro Wrestling Illustrated’s Comeback Of The Year 2014 list during his podcast, “Oh…You Didn’t Know?” James praised Sting, the winner of that year’s award, for his ability to continue wrestling longer than he himself could. He expressed admiration for Sting’s longevity in the ring, especially considering his own limitations.

Fans can stay updated with all the latest wrestling news on or follow them on their Twitter and Facebook pages.

In conclusion, Fred Rosser’s victory over Tom Lawlor sets the stage for an exciting fifth matchup between the two wrestlers. Dalton Castle’s frustrations and threats towards Christian Cage and Luchasaurus add an intense dynamic to his ongoing storyline. Brian “Road Dogg” James’ podcast discussion sheds light on his own wrestling career and admiration for Sting’s longevity. Wrestling enthusiasts can stay informed by visiting or following their social media channels.