Former WWE Star Reveals She Voluntarily Requested Release from Contract

Former WWE Star Reveals She Voluntarily Requested Release from Contract
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Yulisa Leon was among the names who were included in WWE talent releases last week that hit the main roster and NXT.

The former WWE NXT star issued the following statement (translated to English) regarding her departure from WWE, noting she asked to be let go. She wrote,


“To my loving fans and general public: No price is too high to pay to be able to fight for who you are and what you want – being the woman of your dreams! I thank the universe of WWE and NXT for honoring me with the opportunity of being the first Mexican woman to be under contract. I learned more than I could have ever imagined, I had so much fun and I’m left with great memories and incredible friendships, but due to personal motives I made the decision to ask to be released from my contract.

I’ll make the motives clear at a later date and I remain deeply grateful for the facilities and that the doors have been left open for me. I am focused on my upcoming projects, please wait for more news from me.


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Yulisa Leon Requests Release from WWE: A Farewell to the First Mexican Woman Under Contract

Last week, WWE made headlines with a series of talent releases that affected both the main roster and NXT. Among those names was Yulisa Leon, a former NXT star who has now issued a statement regarding her departure from the company. In her statement, Leon expressed gratitude for the opportunity to be the first Mexican woman under contract with WWE and explained her decision to ask for her release.

“To my loving fans and the general public: No price is too high to pay to be able to fight for who you are and what you want – being the woman of your dreams! I thank the universe of WWE and NXT for honoring me with the opportunity of being the first Mexican woman to be under contract,” Leon wrote in her statement, which was translated to English.

Leon went on to express her appreciation for the valuable lessons she learned during her time with WWE and NXT, as well as the fun she had and the incredible friendships she formed. However, due to personal motives, she made the difficult decision to request her release from her contract.

While Leon did not elaborate on the specific reasons behind her departure, she assured fans that she would make the motives clear at a later date. She also expressed deep gratitude for the facilities provided by WWE and NXT and the fact that the doors have been left open for her.

“I am focused on my upcoming projects, please wait for more news from me,” Leon concluded.

Yulisa Leon’s departure from WWE marks the end of an era for the company and for Mexican representation in professional wrestling. As the first Mexican woman to be signed to a contract, Leon broke barriers and paved the way for future talent from her country.

Fans and fellow wrestlers alike will undoubtedly miss seeing Leon in action, but they can rest assured that she has exciting projects on the horizon. While details about these projects remain undisclosed, her statement suggests that there is more to come from the talented wrestler.

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Yulisa Leon’s departure from WWE may mark the end of her time with the company, but it also signals the beginning of a new chapter in her career. As she embarks on her upcoming projects, fans eagerly await further news and anticipate the impact she will make in the wrestling world.