Former WWE Creative Member Reveals Bizarre 2020 Pitch For The Viking Raiders’ Ivar

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During a recent appearance on the Public Enemies Podcast, former WWE creative team member Chris Dunn revealed a bizarre creative pitch regarding The Viking Raiders’ Ivar that almost made it to the screen.

Speaking on the podcast, Dunn stated that at one point we were set to see Ivar launch a dating website exclusive to Vikings, placing a Medieval twist on online dating in a way similar to other niche sites.

“I was doing all the off-sites with the Profits and the Viking Raiders, I became really close with those guys.” Dunn said. “That’s also too, trying to take an idea that’s not great and turn it into something. The original concepts for that [were] not great. But it worked out really well.”

“When we kind of accidentally made Ivar a ladies man character, we wanted to have him talk and eventually open a website that would be ‘Vikings Only’, like Farmers Only. I think we changed it because of OnlyFans, like to [prevent] people getting confused, to ‘Vikings Mingle’. We literally had it in the script for seven to eight weeks, and because of how crazy the pandemic stuff was, things kept on changing on the fly all the time.”

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(h/t – Fightful)

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