Former NFL player Steve ‘Mongo’ McMichael to be honored with induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame

Former NFL player Steve ‘Mongo’ McMichael to be honored with induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame
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NBC Sports Chicago is reporting that former Chicago Bears athlete and WCW wrestler Steve “Mongo” McMichael will be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

McMichael joins fellow Seniors category finalists Randy Gradishar & Art Powell, who were all voted on individually by a 50-person selection committee.

The committee narrowed the finalists down from a group of 12, who will stay under consideration for next year. Each finalist required at least 80% approval.

McMichael’s wife Misty states he was informed about his status in August 2023.

A petition and letter-writing campaign to get McMichael into the Hall of Fame began in 2022. The former WCW wrestler has been battling ALS for three years now.

In a statement, a spokesperson for McMichael said, The beloved Super Bowl XX Champion is battling ALS, which has progressed to the point of leaving McMichael paralyzed from the neck down, unable to speak, breathe or eat on his own. The hope of being inducted into the Hall of Fame has sustained Steve throughout his three-year fight against the debilitating and cruel disease.”

Former Chicago Bears athlete and WCW wrestler Steve “Mongo” McMichael has been elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, according to NBC Sports Chicago. McMichael, along with Randy Gradishar and Art Powell, were chosen as Seniors category finalists by a 50-person selection committee.

The selection process involved narrowing down the finalists from a group of 12 candidates. To be considered for induction, each finalist needed to receive at least 80% approval from the committee. McMichael’s wife, Misty, revealed that he was informed about his status in August 2023.

The journey to the Hall of Fame for McMichael has been marked by a petition and letter-writing campaign initiated in 2022. This effort aimed to recognize McMichael’s contributions and achievements in both football and wrestling. Unfortunately, McMichael has been battling ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) for the past three years.

ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. It leads to the loss of muscle control and eventually paralysis. McMichael’s condition has deteriorated to the point where he is now paralyzed from the neck down, unable to speak, breathe, or eat on his own.

Despite these challenges, the hope of being inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame has provided McMichael with motivation and strength throughout his battle against ALS. The recognition of his accomplishments as a Super Bowl XX Champion and his contributions to both football and wrestling have been a source of inspiration for him.

The news of McMichael’s induction into the Hall of Fame is not only a testament to his athletic prowess but also serves as a reminder of his resilience in the face of adversity. It highlights the impact he has made on the sports world and the lasting legacy he leaves behind.

The Pro Football Hall of Fame induction ceremony will be a significant moment for McMichael and his family. It will honor his remarkable career and the indomitable spirit he has shown in his fight against ALS. This recognition also serves as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging and celebrating the achievements of athletes who have made a lasting impact on the sports community.