Following NXT, what occurred involving a TNA Wrestler? WWE NXT’s Brooks Jensen was apprehended and additional events transpired.

Following NXT, what occurred involving a TNA Wrestler? WWE NXT’s Brooks Jensen was apprehended and additional events transpired.
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During this week’s episode of WWE NXT, wrestler Brooks Jensen seemingly got “arrested”. The incident unfolded during an in-ring exchange between Wes Lee and Oba Femi, where Jensen was noticed in the background attempting to be on camera. He garnered attention from security who escorted him from the venue, momentarily diverting Femi and Lee’s attention.

The drama continued in a later segment of the show. Eddy Thorpe was addressing the audience when, if one were carefully observant, Jensen could be spotted in the backdrop being led to a squad car.

It is noteworthy to add that, Jensen has stated he plans to take the leap into free agency later this week. All indications point that these are unfolding events in a wrestling storyline.

In another twist from WWE NXT’s weekly episode, Joe Hendry entered a 25-man battle royal for a shot at becoming the number one contender to the NXT Championship. The match saw Hendry being ambushed and ousted rapidly by all other opponents. Following the show, Hendry implicated Shawn Michaels in organizing the attack, while also issuing a warning that he could turn up unexpectedly on any show if his name was mentioned.

The WWE NXT programming is already being arranged for next week and here’s what to expect:

– An NXT Heritage Cup Match between Tony D’Angelo and Nathan Frazer
– An NXT Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Tag Team Turmoil Match with participants that are yet to be announced
– A one-on-one clash between Sol Ruca and Arianna Grace

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