Extra than one Wrestlers Shoot on CM Punk

Extra than one Wrestlers Shoot on CM Punk
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a couple of wrestlers shoot on cm punk
and his backstage attitude.
with tales from the likes of
Rene Dupree ,
Rob Van Dam ,
paul london ,
child kash,
Elijah Burke,
Brian Pillman jr,
and hundreds others
#cmpunk #cmpunkaew #renedupree

I take care of wrestling match, on account of they’re orderly. We disintegrate one correct instance is after I become on the top you know the the height High had the WWE Championship belt DCW belt I become in the top jam I peaceful never felt take care of it become take care of take care of my locker room or anything you know what I mean appropriate take care of sure folk take care of appropriate off the bat that's the attach they'll hotfoot yeah a selection of.

Of us yeah I'm so now not take care of that um I obtained suspended it didn't last long anyway you know a couple weeks obtained suspended but but after I got right here back we had been in a account for a home account for and uh um CM Punk Walks By Me says um hi there Rob he says I'm gonna impart all people I'm having a meeting in the dressing room in 5 minutes.

Obviously this isn't this isn't has nothing to invent with you I accurate are searching for to back you know that's the attach we're all going you're take care of what the [__] take care of oh my God appropriate no that's varied folk varied folk operate you know what I mean take care of that's it's now not I'm now not.

Pronouncing it's a snide thing I'm accurate asserting that's very good successfully all people knows about the CM Punk chance but I had a room of beefy a selection of chance become genuinely plant life yeah I'm the one who [__] uncovered it yeah I've viewed it so he become he become arrested on account of we had been.

On that very same stamp collectively appropriate yeah and uh I’d always hotfoot up masks up into the in the stands to seek for seek for the suits it's always a better feeling staring at it with the crew appropriate so I'm sitting right here staring at and uh I'm seeing these CM Punk chants appropriate then as soon as this as soon as the chance commence up.

Getting I mean that you just might possibly well additionally decide up anything over might possibly well perhaps occupy to you are trying and endure in thoughts what what what dumb as that’s and [__] annoying I take care of it immediate and equivalent to you successfully whatever that you just might possibly well additionally decide up anything over it's repetition appropriate and it's on television so anyway the CM Punk shark chance started after which I spotted there become guys all.

Walking out taking off their shirts or yeah taking off their CM Punk shirt or nothing but ECW shirts in negate that's accurate one way to come to a decision on up somebody over appropriate I mean take care of [__] Goldberg when he's in WCW they piped in The Goldberg [__] chance yeah appropriate yeah it's the entire work dude however the article is might possibly well perhaps occupy to you invent that over and over on.

Tv it catches on yes appropriate that become all um Paul Heyman I sigh on account of obviously it become the booker on the time successfully Landon does all these slight programs yeah to be excellent-searching Renee convey successfully it’s it works.

Properly it's all at work we're trusting industry dude it's all smoking mirrors appropriate I accurate know he become talking [__] on the back of my back to the the entire other boys so I obtained right here with him for that but he did all people yeah and all people you know yeah he didn't take care of me at all he would good to me on the constructing but then arrive.

To secure out a couple of nights later from Tracy Brooks telling my girlfriend that he doesn't take care of me at all I mean you know and all on account of he didn't take care of me on account of I become friends with with uh with uh Teddy Hart oh okay yeah so when Teddy Hart would arrive into the to the states to work or anything for TNA he would arrive to my home and.

They would accurate pause in my he's a uncommon man but he become frigid child I equivalent to you I didn't you know a bit uncommon but I had to impart him to attach a shirt on on the fitness center a couple times he would hotfoot to the fitness center with me and he would rob his [__] shirt off in the middle of the fitness center and commence up mattress and I'm take care of ah Ted that you just might possibly presumably't rob your shirt off in the fitness center bro oh.

You might possibly even't I'm take care of no that you just might possibly presumably't attach your shirt off in the fitness center what the [__] and plus you're now not even genuinely carrying a shirt you're carrying a string top that doesn't even disguise your physique so appropriate what's the purpose of taking it off you know yeah hear to 1 of your interviews and uh while you had been in TNA it's one of.

Our mutual acquaintances Mr Phil Brooks CM Chomp I mean Punk yeah impart me the account about when he decides to hotfoot into catering and fix on one of his hour-long suits and seek for it and become taking a seek for round to make certain all people become staring at his hour oh yeah oh please impart him yeah we uh we at menace of hotfoot to the.

White trash Cafe appropriate yeah and uh it become down the hill from the fairgrounds and likewise you mostly obtained a meal imprint so that you just hotfoot in there and likewise you opt up the meals and stuff successfully at that Mo on the moment he started dating uh Tracy Brooks okay it become among the Knockouts and uh what is me she become a Canadian girl from.

Ontario yeah yeah she's Canadian yeah yeah yeah Hernan uh Angelina girl uh yeah we're both and uh then there become one other one the the [__] um uh Taylor Wilde glimpse I don't know her I do know I didn't meet her I never met her I become already left DC uh TNA before she got right here after which.

I got right here back after she had left so I didn't genuinely know her uh but I do know there's a selection of Canadians that got right here down Kim Gail Kim uh she got right here down she hurt up going to WWE however the opposite three stayed in TNA uh but yeah man but anyway he he got right here down I have faith he I don't know if he become with had been with Ring of Honor but or what.

I have faith he had accurate been with him doubtlessly or accurate left him or one thing but he got right here to TNA he genuinely wasn't there that long uh him and Julio De Niro become a designate and uh so we're down on the cafe he did it on a series of occasions he didn't invent it accurate as soon as uh he would arrive down and occupy his phone and he would literally.

Space up and uh seek for all of his Ring of Honor suits I mean but I mean that's accurate what he did but but he would occupy his slight you know a bit neighborhood you know and stuff take care of that his Gathering girl with him and likewise you know stuff after which uh yeah they would accurate I mean it wouldn't danger no one but they would accurate take a seat.

There and seek for mad his suits and stuff take care of that and I become even on the moment dating a girl that become uh when she got right here in uh uh Christie Richie Trinity appropriate no I hadn't started doing trinity pretty but I hadn't started dating her pretty but I become with a girl named Christy Ricky and uh she become correct friends with.

Uh Punk's girl uh so after they would arrive to metropolis for the TNA they would always pause at her home so truly he become my girlfriend so I become always she become both my home or her home so I become staring at her home subsequent thing you know uh one evening right here comes Tracy Brooks and CM Punk and I become take care of oh hi there hi there guys I mean we.

Didn't hold out or nothing but we had been cordial and frigid with every other and stuff take care of that however the entire time they went into the spare bedroom and the entire time they had been in there guess what they had been doing staring at his batches yeah Roger is okay I mean I don't I mean you know what I watched a ton of mine.

Through the years getting started accurate so I could possibly well perhaps additionally be taught and likewise you know and stuff take care of that but I also watched a selection of alternative folk's suits you know Dynamite Kid and likewise you know been why and uh [__] hell [__] coronary heart Crimson Coronary heart Shawn Michaels you know I watched all people in conjunction with myself you know accurate so I could possibly well perhaps additionally decide up higher and glimpse what I become.

Doing and gape dumb and didn't invent it no extra or if I [__] one thing up I knew how to invent it higher you know but I didn't invent it in front I did it at home though you know the attach no one become round I didn't invent it at work or in the restaurants or at somebody's home you know appropriate and gape round and make certain all people's staring at so they’ll pull.

You over and reveal you the way in which colossal you are yeah yeah but you know what uh back then I didn't take care of him I thought he become conceited and and stuff take care of that and I thought he took liberties with folk and stuff you know but over the years as you alter into older and stuff you know and likewise you commence up checking things out I'm now not take care of a huge fan of.

His wrestling on account of I I never understood I'm peaceful the fan of the extinct faculty the attach the simpler guys are the heavyweight champions and the smaller guys or the take care of the United States Champion or the Intercontinental Champion now not the heavyweight champion you know so even might possibly well perhaps occupy to you know he did a correct job he did it he did a correct thing.

In WWE I accurate disagreed with him and take care of Rey Mysterio becoming the heavyweight champion of the enviornment appropriate you know Ben Walker might possibly well perhaps additionally occupy might possibly well perhaps additionally pull it out on account of Benoit become jacked to the [__] Gill and he become so [__] aggressive you know and Guerrero Eddie Guerrero might possibly well perhaps additionally pull it off on account of he become so.

[__] jacked up and he become accurate so athletic it become accurate unreal and he might possibly well perhaps additionally discuss on the microphone equivalent to you wouldn't take into consideration you know he become very proficient but you obtained CM Punk who looks accurate care to your moderate man that sits there that genuinely buys a tick you know I call it I call it the ocean dawdle.

Take a look at might possibly well perhaps occupy to that you just might possibly presumably stroll down the ocean dawdle and flip heads you know what I mean that's what I call it yeah you know what I mean successfully even appropriate you know I watched I don't seek for wrestling I genuinely I've never been I mean I watched wrestling after I become a baby but as soon as I obtained into the industry handiest wrestling I watched become my suits.

Unbiased appropriate so I could possibly well perhaps additionally decide up higher appropriate I don't seek for it now every now after which I'll be flipping the channels and there it’s and I'll you know preserve on for a minute accurate to acknowledge what's going on but I watched WWE a couple weeks back I become flipping through and I saw WWE for the first time in take care of years appropriate and I become accurate fully blown the [__] away.

Uh who's that crimson-headed child uh obtained the beard and Zane Frankie Zane who is it yeah Sami Zayn Sami Zayn yeah he speaks El Generico in Ring of Honor yes I endure in thoughts El Generico I genuinely worked him a couple of times years and years previously but I'm taking a seek for at this man and alongside with his gape with out his masks and all the pieces.

Address that but he looks take care of my neighbor yeah that's a mechanic you accurate worried accurate a mechanic my neighbor's a mechanic who's obtained frizzy hair take care of him he's obtained the mountainous furry beard take care of him and it's obtained the physique take care of him yeah the attach did this what took jam the attach did this the attach did it all commerce but glimpse Punk takes credit ranking for that he's the one.

Who changed you know the the the excellent-searching wrestling fans the excellent-searching wrestling fans had been ready to come to a decision on up up there the smaller man can be extra intelligent than the simpler man so he's the person that genuinely started the pattern yeah my deepest thought I have faith Rey Mysterio started that hotfoot back and forth but he got right here in on the back of him and did involving unparalleled you.

Know and likewise you obtained it obtained to give him credit ranking I mean the infant did successfully in the WWE and I mean he obtained to the purpose the attach he become so renowned that he obtained to be correct friends with Dana White you know and obtained him a couple of million greenback fights I mean correct businessman you know.

Now with you guys successfully so I could possibly well perhaps occupy to glimpse him glass jaw be taken as a legit tricky man after being humiliated in UFC that extra or much less solutions itself doesn't it involving unparalleled thing become all I'll convey about that might possibly well perhaps occupy to you glimpse the lead as a lot as his first battle I have faith it become with Mickey gall.

Yeah I have faith that doesn't shake the man's hand acts take care of a entire prick as if he's some badass and accurate obtained embarrassed and I have faith it become accurate a double same old he complained about rock coming in taking the title off him to Famous Tournament with Cena at Mania asserting you know a allotment-time has coming in taking a man's.

Space but he'd completed the accurate same thing going to UFC taking a younger Fighter's different accurate on account of he become about what number of fighters did he accurate skip ahead exactly so fabricate way extra money than they did it's accurate the the hypocrisy from him I accurate can't stand uh um I mean what the hell why would he decide up didn't he become from what we're urged he become accurate attempting to.

Rupture it up appropriate yeah involving unparalleled but obviously he's um friends with the books and oh presumably he's been friends with them for years but um he tried to interrupt it up uh but he's been suspended um as a ways as I do know um the one they started biting them um.

Hi there Steele he's been there took off the avenue now and um CM Punk which is a [__] twist of fate it sounds as if he injured his he obtained injured in that match in the major occasion huh and he's going to be out injured for eight months.

Okay so he he does one match will get injured how long become he out for successfully this become it he become out for 3 months before and yeah oh for 3 months now he's up for eight months he regarded involving for the length of the clicking conference oh yeah um might possibly well perhaps occupy to you're that injured how might possibly well perhaps additionally you.

Take a seat there and invent a press conference for 15 minutes bashing all people Below the Solar I mean might possibly well perhaps occupy to you're in that unparalleled bother yeah it sounds as if that’s the case they convey he obtained injured from doing a uh suicide dive or one thing um it's supposed to be a excessive bother Serious bother he's higher than that so he's obtained he can be injured for eight.

Months they haven't officially acknowledged to be suspended or released um I have faith it's I have faith they're accurate asserting he's injured accurate to rob the hit off him after which you know convey lay low for about a months and we'll elevate you back and folk ignore it.

Tony can't ain't firing him all his money that's what I have faith but whatever I did yeah he's allowed me a blended room uh elope the Asylum now and um right here is ceaselessly a accurate take a look at of his personality it become all stress-free and video games when it become all take care of Ravishing commence up in the honeymoon length but now when some Eagles begins becoming concerned and.

Address he I have faith it become Jericho who calmed it down Jericho dude yeah I have faith successfully safety got right here in Jericho acknowledged to Tony Khan for the length of the Press on account of Jericho become on their press call after punk I have faith while he's on it that you just might possibly presumably glimpse folk running to the back and uh Jericho acknowledged to Tony can stuff is going on backstage.

For it sounds as if a selection of folk the last few weeks has been taking a seek for through Jericho's locker room chief he's been take care of a soundless impact on the locker room on account of there's the article and hundreds of folk's urged us this take care of CM Punk likes walking round locker rooms calling himself locker room chief uh-huh and I'm take care of.

In the occasion you prefer to hotfoot round calling yourself the locker room chief you're now not the locker room chief what they would perhaps occupy to invent is that they would perhaps occupy to invent it accurate take care of Japan the senior way the Elvis yeah needs to be the locker room hotfoot-to man so is Jericho I have faith about he's take care of 55 now appropriate yeah he's take care of extremely mid 50s yeah yeah certainly yeah yeah.

So invent take care of the Japanese invent the elders decide as a lot as convey you imprint how over and over did you hear the Undertaker convey he at menace of gape round later you didn't favor to exactly yeah it become a known truth but certainly yeah the Elder the eldest in the locker room needs to be the one who.

And also you don't favor to hotfoot round might possibly well perhaps occupy to you invent which way you're an disquieted slight [__] yeah you know what I mean if a particular person has adequate energy he can sneak softly and all people will hear did you hear the uh Cody and Chris Jericho account I didn’t so this become on there while Jericho's.

Cruises I have faith this become uh no it's been two or three years previously before Punk got right here in uh-huh and uh to flip the account on how CM Punk got right here into the locker room and he become calling himself the locker room chief now not as soon as but as soon as or twice Cody acknowledged a couple of times and there become this one and he acknowledged appropriate because the locker room chief and Jacobs become.

Pondering you're now not you're now not my [__] chief appropriate so pong acknowledged because the locker room chief I have faith all people might possibly well perhaps occupy to procure their trash and procure their rubbish so they acknowledged all of a surprising Booker T stood up and take care of dropped take care of a paper cup to the floor or one thing that's what I'm talking about that you just might possibly presumably't.

Query a man an elder on account of Booker's way older than Punk become yeah you know what I mean that's why the Japanese occupy it occupy the trusty way as a ways because the locker room goes the Elder successfully invent you endure in thoughts when we had RVD on the account for take care of many moons previously appropriate and he become sat down and he accurate.

Returned so this would occupy been uh this will have to occupy been after a suspension so this become o6 so punch accurate got right here in doubtlessly and he acknowledged he become tapped down and punk got right here alongside and acknowledged appropriate we're gonna occupy a locker room discuss that you just might possibly presumably arrive might possibly well perhaps occupy to you are searching for to you don't favor to achieve back but that you just might possibly presumably arrive appropriate Rob become taking a seek for take care of what the folk CM Punk's.

Locker room take care of that oh yeah he tried that [__] appropriate when he obtained there yeah take care of appropriate off the bat it's take care of dude that's the draw you opt up heat on yourself you gotta assemble you gotta assemble a jam take care of that you just know yeah but right here is it take care of obviously he had a correct round WWE he become hot on the time.

But he walked away from wrestling for seven years and that become so in these seven years he become bashing wrestling and bashing wrestling fans he's he's returned and yes he obtained a mountainous Pop I become excited when he returned you know I thought wow right here’s a recreation changer if it's aw CM Punk become abet it's been lackluster um successfully how's this.

Guy looking ahead to himself to be the mountainous locker room chief when he's left wrestling for seven years yeah yeah any of that and namely after I don't give a [__] what anybody says that efficiency he had in the UFC genuinely hurt wrestling yeah mountainous time it's take care of that time uh.

Dave Batista had his slight [__] MMA battle after which the evening before the battle or a couple days before the battle the man he become presupposed to battle got right here down with a mysterious bother appropriate after which you glimpse the man that they replaced him with I will't convey I watched the battle.

Okay hotfoot and gape it up it's on YouTube hotfoot gape on the man that Dave Batista fought accurate accurate gape at his [__] physique and likewise that you just might possibly presumably impart how unparalleled [__] coaching this man did you suspect that that wasn't a [__] payoff by Vince hundred [__] 10 p.c guarantee you.

Uh that's adequate for Punk uh [__] him hi there if I will't pay for for the explanation that thing is we're talking about and folk's take care of oh for CM Punk lifts lease free on this podcast no idiots it's a topic what's being talked about by every other account for if we don't discuss about it we're now not doing our.

Job crew EVP or crew punk uh I wasn't there so I didn't decide as a lot as acknowledge who won the battle so I'm now not gonna think whose facet I'm on I'll decide the whoever won the battle I ain't gonna facet with the losers I'll convey that no I mean truly it's accurate it's over my head you know I wasn't there and I gape as a lot as the entire guys so.

I'm take care of rattling I will't take into consideration my heroes are preventing every other but it’s what it’s you know I'm accurate on every occasion I'm there I'm accurate overjoyed to be there try now not to piss anybody off and decide up punch myself so colossal attitude to occupy I'm sure folk occupy doubtlessly compulsory to punch me too so I thought you know what.

Unbiased appropriate thing I've completed I've dodged that but you know they're all colossal guys all people accurate loves wrestling and and accurate varied personalities that's all yeah folk occupy varied personalities things commerce you know we had been in Jacksonville in the pandemic after which.

After I had been on the avenue and it's a bit extra you know a bit extra excessive and folk are starting up to conflict a bit bit that's all yeah one time uh I'm on the airplane you know for the length of a WWE elope um I do know I already urged about when uh when.

He had the crew meeting uh as I got right here back from ACW I do know we talked about that I don't know might possibly well perhaps occupy to you endure in thoughts that I become going off Reese W I got right here back he become take care of wow I'm having a locker room meeting and I accurate are searching for to back you know that's the attach all people's going to be it's now not about you somebody's stealing yeah what the hell you rob the throne.

Um but it become so immediate but um I don't know if I urged you I could possibly well perhaps additionally wish urged this we're on the airplane and um he acknowledged in front of me and uh folk are peaceful boarding in the um flight attendant says um you know who's whose procure is this you.

Know and uh and is this your procure and and that feels take care of yeah and he says okay I accurate are searching for to back you know I'm accurate going to attach it take care of uh accurate appropriate back right here one seat you know one I accurate are searching for to back you know I'm gonna um attach it back right here accurate to fabricate room um accurate so that you just know and he's take care of how.

Reach my procure has Gotta Transfer I'm the one following the legislation following the foundations he's the person that's obtained the oversized procure you know what excellent-searching account he's he's involving defensive I focal point on anybody giving him a notes yeah what's your thoughts on the CM Punk.

Stuff what's been happening with the clicking conference and him leaving I'm sure you obtained an thought on it on it oh my I invent it's intelligent to occupy a selection of folk talking um it's it's it it's extra or much less humorous to hear folk on the outside act take care of uh take care of the um the timer has gone off you know and AWS gonna.

Explode um after which also hearing you know that they're now not fearful about it on the inside you know the entire time I become with TNA Affect I genuinely have not any view how they had been surviving but back after I started in 2010 per week there become rumors that they had been going out of industry and.

Customarily you know about a of the opposite wrestlers would impart me take care of Rob I accurate need you to be willing you know take care of they're now not gonna be round Long take care of all the pieces I be taught and they also accurate stored going and going and going and uh they stored you know giving me these weekly checks uh you know um but anyway it's intelligent and uh it's it's.

It's it's I'm into I'm into it to acknowledge you know if uh to acknowledge the pudgy circle take care of what occurs from this energy um being being the Zen master that I am let me let me exhibit on account of a selection of folk might possibly well well now not understand but pro wrestling is stuffed with take care of the most um by inhabitants essentially the most.

Quantity of ridiculously outrageous egos that you just'll ever glimpse jammed collectively I mean first off even to take into consideration that that you just might possibly presumably pursue this and invent this you genuinely obtained to think a selection of yourself you know but then the attach invent you plot that line between being assured believing yourself you know thinking if anybody.

Else if anybody else you know that you just might possibly presumably feed anybody the attach invent you plot the road before you know it's take care of dude you give it some thought for your own hype and that's that's the article with wrestling is take care of all people in there has on the least a mountainous adequate ego to hear to the hear to the feedback which can be correct about them and hate on the feedback.

That are snide about them you know that's accurate that's accurate pure um I have faith and I do know that's going to come to a decision on up ripped out for a headline or one thing out of context but I have faith there's a correct chance that CM Punk uh accurate you know from feeling his energy doubtlessly has um as mountainous of an ego as anybody that I've.

Interacted with in the industry you know and likewise you know it's colossal for these are the guys that decide up ahead you know are the guys that genuinely take into consideration in themselves but then on the same time it's genuinely worthy for me uh you know be as a um one other man in the locker room or whatever so it's always worthy for me to rob that energy after I have faith they.

Bear in mind themselves too unparalleled you know take care of about a of it can well also be take care of pure heat take care of The Miz you know what I mean take care of it's accurate genuinely easy to hate him on account of you you know you genuinely think that this man thinks he's so correct and and all this but but it works to his advantage and um and that and that's colossal but uh when when somebody comes.

Abet through the curtain after their personality might possibly well perhaps additionally occupy given the most plausible speech that obtained the entire hate in the enviornment in the occasion that they’ll arrive back through the curtain after which after which be humble after which imprint that they're uh you know one amongst many then then then that's a extraordinarily correct jam to be in it's balanced when it's the unsuitable way round.

And might possibly well perhaps occupy to you're in the in the dressing room too you genuinely genuinely think man I'm a better wrestler than anybody in right here man this this needs to be mine man I and and what does that mean you know accurate that uh the writers occupy liked you you know I mean can you are taking into consideration take care of if I become take care of dude you know the way in which long I held that TV Championship bro no one might possibly well perhaps additionally.

Beat me on account of you know pull out your pwi ranking appropriate isn't that that become the opposite Focus on of the last few months right here is the attach I become ranked in pwa 500 right here is my ranking never in 22 years of wrestling regarded up the attach I ranked or hahaha.

42 years I mean we commence up out as marks after which we gotta we gotta shed a selection of that you just know the extra we decide up into the industry the much less and never more now I mean I had to completely hi there shut up I had to um fully before I become allowed in the dressing room now not being marked you know I mean Sabu and Chic we're take care of no.

No images you know don't quiz anybody for autographs and I become accurate take care of 19 I guess and um and a mountainous fan but I become coaching and uh they acknowledged who acknowledged don't consult with anybody unless you're gonna introduce yourself then accurate shake their hand gape after they introduce yourself don't convey anything else unless they engage you and these are the foundations and.

So now accurate to exhibit it's so varied on account of every account for that I invent know um I invent a round of images with the entire boys in the dressing room for them after the account for saboose peaceful extinct faculty he would take care of creep him out of there arrive on stop being a imprint you know but but I spotted you know the the that every.

That does uh commerce The whole lot's changed but but uh but yeah that's that's you know might possibly well perhaps occupy to you're might possibly well perhaps occupy to you're now not unparalleled of a imprint for yourself I mean in the dwell take care of what what does it mean and what are you genuinely doing so the valley CM Punk being talked about that fought some punk on account of you both started in 06.

Um thoughts on him when it comes to what accurate thoughts on them in soundless I’m hoping he finds what he's attempting to secure and I'll be finds happiness you know what I'm asserting that's what I need from him but we at menace of be genuinely shut I haven't talked to him in years I don't know.

so that you just know I don't know I have faith take care of there's nothing I will convey that's now not going to wind up on the dirt sheets in a [__] headline you know what I'm asserting so whatever yeah I’m hoping you opt up finds happiness man I genuinely invent you know I don't need anybody to be upset or tired or beat up so I'll recede it in the market successfully some folk some folk are accurate.

Unhappy by Nature appropriate nothing can invent to delight them appropriate um I’m hoping he finds happiness you know what I'm asserting in negate that's the WWE coaching in me so appropriate the politically excellent-searching resolution I hear you I'm institutionalized I'm now not going to hotfoot off um.

But yeah he seemed genuinely he seemed genuinely unhappy man so uh I I imprint I imprint both aspects of search in that distress I'm obviously now not there I don't genuinely know all people I don't know right here is you know the distress 100 but um I'm [__] uncommon and extinct faculty I extra or much less take care of a bit backstage you know take care of I don't take care of guys [__] hazing.

Of us or take care of threatening folk but there's it's usually a bit a bit animosity backstage brings out some competitiveness in the locker room you know what I'm asserting take care of uh decent competitiveness on account of if there's yeah I genuinely occupy a bit pork with bro and I'm working him take care of I'll never stiff him but I'm gonna try and outwork.

The [__] I'm gonna try and occupy a better match than him so usually I mean Sean Brett take care of usually it brings out a bit competitiveness in the locker room two varied slight clicks you know what I'm asserting so I don't fool the air disrespect your boss but when it can well pork up the product a bit bit then [__] you know you know.

So but take care of very correct very correct resolution yeah yeah that's W that's the Derek Jeter resolution so successfully uh one of your foremost feuds I sigh yeah Nemesis for the length of this time become um CM Punk and uh obviously he joined the neighbor he then take care of obviously left on these two you obtained a extraordinarily correct match on Judgment Day which.

Was genuinely long but after this take care of he had some Western complimentary things to convey about you uh I have faith it become requested the interrogate who's your least licensed opponent and likewise you named you which I become shocked and he acknowledged equivalent to you know he become I don't know if he acknowledged he become worthy to work with or he become a diva um obviously CM Punk he's living with hate.

Him he might possibly well perhaps additionally be of it successfully gape gape gape who that applies to on the novel time gape gape who you know when the curtains pulled back I guess all of us chanced on out who the Prima greenback become yeah yeah I guess all of us chanced on out who become refined to work with appropriate so um it become it's such a things um obviously you hotfoot back and likewise you gape at.

Our stuff there's there's we we had doubtlessly one Hiccup and that's after I obtained successfully on the least I did one Hiccup and that's why I obtained in that three-way with him and shot Benjamin uh you know I obtained concussed on the origin of the match and I I knew nothing and I wasn't being directed I become accurate out of it but uh man CM Punk one-on-one we never had a snide.

Match ever that become take care of I acknowledged that the match at Judgment Day yeah and likewise you you had been given hundreds of time that match and it become this kind of correct match so I'm that's why I become shocked when he acknowledged these items on account of I mean he's take care of so no disrespect his work take care of Ryback and appropriate so wrestling so for him to convey that I'm take care of genuinely punk are you being.

Serious but yeah that's accurate the most intelligent you know again that's that's punk I don't even are searching for to call them Phil uh but that's Punk being punk I'm I'm I mean when when might possibly well perhaps occupy to you occupy made it to the attach he did which become kudos to him you know you occupy you you occupy the upper hand you occupy the ability to convey what you are searching for to convey on account of you.

Possess a better platform so there's never been a need for me to handle that I accurate let the uh the work that I've completed and and the work that we both did collectively I mean I let it protest for itself and we accurate didn't occupy snide suits that's why they attach us collectively so over and over I battle glimpse them punk extra times than ECW than I did anybody.

Else yeah sure he become on Hundreds of pay-per-views and
These wrestling are pretty relaxed!

Extra than one Wrestlers Shoot on CM Punk

Extra than one Wrestlers Shoot on CM Punk