Exploring Lacey Evans’ Reasons for Not Missing WWE and Assessing the Potential Fit for Her in AEW or TNA

Exploring Lacey Evans’ Reasons for Not Missing WWE and Assessing the Potential Fit for Her in AEW or TNA
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On a recent edition of the “Insight” podcast, former WWE Superstar Macey Estrella (Lacey Evans) discussed her career in WWE, a potential return to wrestling, not taking any further wrestling bookings, and more.

Evans’ last match was a dark match on the July 7th episode of SmackDown before leaving WWE in August.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On a possible return to wrestling: “Yeah, absolutely. As long as I never lose….I only have one life. We only have one shot at this life. We only have one chance to do what it is that we really want to do and make a difference that we want to make. Some people don’t want to make a difference, they’re good with the red carpets and the Gucci bags and whatever. Hell yeah, I loved the hitting, the hard-hitting, the action, the tables, the chairs. I loved it. I had no idea how to do any of that before I stepped foot in WWE, and I grabbed the ropes and kept going, but I will never allow myself to lose seven years, that is 52 weeks a year times seven, I will never lose seven days like that again without waking up every day knowing that what I’m doing is what is making a difference at and that the impact and life I want to make as mother, as a wife, as a human-being, as someone who struggles with mental health. As long as I know that part is good, I’ll go and kick anybody’s ass or get my ass kicked anytime they call me. I do have an event coming up that we’re working on and all the proceeds go to the Resilient Minds of the Frontline that help people that are struggling up here. I can’t wait to step in the ring and do that. If that makes any sense. I don’t mind it at all, but I won’t lose my why or passion ever again.”

On whether AEW or TNA would suit her better than WWE: “Yeah. I don’t personally know their schedule, but from phone calls I’ve been getting, it sounds like a great thing. We’ll see. We’ll see what’s down the pipeline. I still have a six pack and I’m still mean as f**k. When the phone rings or when I make that agreement or when we finish conversations, then I’ll be ready. It’s nothing personal. It’s not that I didn’t love it, I loved it. In life, you have to make decisions, you have one life to live, make sure you’re living it to your fullest and that you want to, every day. Not just one day a week, every day. That was my goal and I’m accomplishing it every day now.”

On not taking any wrestling bookings after leaving WWE: “No, I have not [taken any bookings]. I’ve had a lot obviously reach out. But I did WWE for seven years and it was never my passion, that was never a secret. It was incredible to see my fellow sports entertainers [succeed], that is their passion. But I just knew that, you know, I went out there and did the best that I could, I did my job. But I always looked forward to coming home. My family obviously travelled with me, everywhere that I went for the most part, and that was a struggle, right? Because when I got signed with WWE, I was a mom and I was a wife. I’ve been with my husband since I was 15. It was an incredible opportunity. But it was a lot for whenever you compare what your passion is, and you’re wise and WWE is very, very difficult. If you’re on the road well over 300 days a year, they want a lot from you. And I just, there was always something in the back of my head that was like what the f**k am I doing?

When I wake up now, and I’m on my way to my café and I have like, just last night we did a big group outreach for I think it’s NAR-ANON, it’s like alcohol anonymous, but it’s for the families that have family members that struggle with addiction, or have lost their lives to overdose, right? So it’s just the things that I get to do now and the difference that I get to make to me is so rewarding that I have never since August 16, so a few months [on], I have not once questioned if I’m doing the right thing, or if I’m happy or if this is my why. I wake up every day, get my coffee and I go and I try to change lives and make a difference, including in my own home with my kids and my husband. So it’s been awesome.”

On why she doesn’t miss WWE: “Do you want me to lie? No, there’s not [a desire to go back]. You know, some people, they wake up and they put on six-inch stilettos and 10 pounds of makeup and their extensions and they go walk the red carpet and they feel amazing. I’m not those people. And it was very difficult for me, right? To kind of put on that front. And because WWE does a lot of good stuff for a lot of people, but I just felt like more could be done for my why, right?

So for my passions and mental health and addiction, and life struggles and PTSD and all the sh*t that people have to deal with every day. It’s like, why the f**k am I on a red carpet right now? Like I’m looking out in the crowd and I see people that are f**king hurting and they’re taking photos of my shoes. I’m not gonna lie I miss some of the people, right? Because it is a struggle, and we do kind of become a family at some point. But I don’t I want to I want to help I want to do more. I want to fight different battles that aren’t in the ring.”

On receiving Vince McMahon’s blessing to have another baby: “So when I was in WWE, and I’m looking around at what I thought my life would be, and not only the difference that I could make in people’s lives, but it’s like, Man, I’ve given my husband the sh*tty end of the stick here. Like, you know, he loves me, and he supports me to the fullest, but like, where are all of our babies at? Where is all the little sound of feet on our hardwood floors and the smell of bacon in the morning? And instead, we’re on a plane at 3:30 in the morning heading out. So I went to Vince and I said, Hey, sir, I’m not being used. And I want to have a baby. So I won’t if you plan on using me, I’ll stand by. I said it’s COVID it’s like I’m not being used. And he kind of got quiet and he said go have a baby. And I said are you sure? I made sure because that man is f**king awesome. He has done a lot for me and my family. And I was just very thankful to be in that room having that discussion and having that opportunity in WWE, right? Life-changing money, blah, blah, blah. And I’m in a cool experience.

So when he said go have a baby I said are you sure? Like I could wait you know, it’s not like I’m waiting 10 years like you tell me. He’s like No, go have a baby. Just promise me you’ll come back, and I said I’ll be back six weeks after I push this motherf**ker out, if I could just go at least give husband one more quickly. So that was the game plan. I wasn’t being used and next thing you know talent creative goes Oh, you’re gonna be with, you know, Ric Flair and Charlotte and I’m like, What the f**k? It was wild. But me being the motivator? I’ll show up. I’ll do the best and keep rocking and rolling. Well, I’ll be damned if a week before I was supposed to get the title. I have my baby. And it was the best feeling in the world that my husband now has another child that he’s about to hold in his arms in nine months and nobody could take [it away]. So a lot of people say and I ruined my career and this and that. But this morning when I woke up and saw that little sh*t looking at me with a big smile on her face and my husband waking up in stride. You can’t tell me I ruined anything. I got exactly what I wanted and I’m very thankful and blessed that I have the life that I have.”

On upsetting Sgt. Slaughter’s family: “I think they’re frickin’ weak. Remember that weak word we just talked about? Yeah. And no disrespect to like Hall of Famers in WWE that have paved the way, he can kiss my ass and his daughter can too, so record that. Have a good day. I don’t know where the hell that came from. They know the game. You go to work. You get told this is what you’re doing. And what a lot of people don’t know what was said and what was done and how they discussed it with him and they talked to him and that is none of my damn concern.

What do you call it in the military when you frickin’ have seniors above you? You have a rank structure. In WWE when you’re a performer you’re like down here, whatever goes above your head, it is like a lot of times unless you start crying about it and go banging on doors. I don’t like that, I’m not gonna cry about it. You tell me what the f*ck you need, you tell me what time the bell rings and then and I’ll do whatever it is.

Then, because I got a family to feed, a husband I love, and I say that with conviction. Because I made sure I was in shape I made sure I could do the flippy flops, the drop downs I made sure to create the character. They told me you’re gonna go out you’re gonna do the Cobra clutch and he’s gonna come in and help and then whatever happened. Next thing you know he’s not out here I’m still doing the Cobra Clutch.

But don’t get mad at me because I’m doing my job, you know what I mean? Or let’s have that conversation. Right? And at no point was that conversation ever had and whoever his daughter is, so from that side like, that was wild. It didn’t really ruffle my feathers. I kind of thought it was funny like you know, bless their f**king hearts, but I didn’t lose no sleep over it. My family still got fed, I still did what I f**king needed to do. And I just hope they keep that same energy. That same kayfabe energy when they see me because I don’t do sh*t like that.”

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Former WWE Superstar Macey Estrella, better known as Lacey Evans, recently appeared on the “Insight” podcast to discuss her career in WWE, a potential return to wrestling, and her decision to not take any further wrestling bookings. Evans’ last match was a dark match on the July 7th episode of SmackDown before leaving WWE in August.

During the podcast, Evans expressed her willingness to return to wrestling as long as she feels that she is making a difference and living her life to the fullest. She emphasized the importance of pursuing one’s passions and not settling for a life that doesn’t align with one’s goals and values. Evans also mentioned an upcoming event where all the proceeds will go to Resilient Minds of the Frontline, an organization that supports individuals struggling with mental health.

When asked about potentially joining other wrestling promotions such as AEW or TNA, Evans expressed interest and stated that she still maintains her physical fitness and toughness. She acknowledged that decisions about her future in wrestling will be made when the time is right and that she wants to ensure she is living her life to the fullest every day.

Evans also discussed her decision to not take any wrestling bookings after leaving WWE. She explained that while she appreciated her time in WWE and the opportunities it provided, it was never her true passion. She always looked forward to coming home to her family, and she wanted to focus on making a difference in areas such as mental health, addiction, and life struggles. Evans expressed gratitude for the fulfilling work she is currently doing outside of wrestling.

In regards to not missing WWE, Evans candidly stated that she doesn’t have a desire to go back. She acknowledged that while WWE does a lot of good things, she felt that more could be done for her passions and causes outside of the wrestling ring. She emphasized her desire to fight different battles and make a difference beyond the world of professional wrestling.

Evans also shared a personal story about receiving Vince McMahon’s blessing to have another baby. She approached McMahon and expressed her desire to have a child, stating that she felt underutilized in WWE at the time. McMahon supported her decision and encouraged her to go have a baby. Evans expressed gratitude for the opportunity and the life-changing experiences she has had.

Additionally, Evans addressed a controversy involving Sgt. Slaughter’s family. She expressed her opinion that they were weak for being upset with her and stated that she did her job as instructed by WWE. She emphasized that she didn’t lose any sleep over the situation and hopes that they maintain the same energy when they see her in the future.

Overall, Macey Estrella (Lacey Evans) discussed various aspects of her career in WWE, her decision to not take further wrestling bookings, and her passion for making a difference in areas such as mental health and addiction. She expressed gratitude for the opportunities she has had and emphasized the importance of living life to the fullest every day.