Exclusive: Note On Hindrances Affecting Potential Televised WWE Events Emanating From India

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At the WWE Superstar Spectacle media scrum on Friday, eWrestlingNews.com’s Tathya Sachdev caught up with a representative of Sony Sports Network, WWE’s exclusive broadcast and streaming partner in India. Sony Sports Network is actively involved in all facets of WWE vis-a-vis India, from broadcasting, PR, collaborating for live events, and more.

When asked about WWE’s return to India in the near future, a source from the Sony Sports Network shared the constraints that come along with potentially producing an internationally broadcasted event from India.


We were told that “a ten-hour time difference (roughly) between here (India) and the States is just not feasible. How we can work around that… I don’t know, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon. The intent is there, from WWE’s side and most certainly from our side, and it’s like, we all want that as fans, me as much as you. But it is just what it is, you know?”

In regard to whether a longer house show tour would be on the cards for WWE’s return to India, we were told that it all depends on WWE’s calendar, and that Sony is “actively pursuing expanding on our partnership with WWE.”

We also learned that WWE programming is the second highest rated genre on the Sony Sports Network all year-round, behind cricket.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit Tathya Sachdev of eWrestlingNews.com, with a linkback to this page.

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