Ethan Page Provides Insight into His Transition to ROH

Ethan Page Provides Insight into His Transition to ROH
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Ethan Page made an appearance on Insight With Chris Van Vliet, where he spoke about a wide range of topics.

During it, Page discussed the decision he made to move from AEW to ROH. He said,


“If I’m putting something out [on YouTube], it’s something that inspired me. And also, I’ve decided to kind of, once I realised that like the last time we did an interview, I was doing American Top Team stuff, things were going fantastic. Not to say that I’m not happy. I just noticed a change in my career and I realised that I really needed to start focusing on professional wrestling more and dedicating myself to that, which is actually why I requested to do the Ring of Honor stuff because our roster has grown so big that the opportunities to be physically active in the ring come a lot less. And that’s just the nature of the beast, Tony wants to have the best wrestlers in the world, and I commend them for it, we have them all. But the matches come less. So I wanted to be more active. And as I age, I started to notice that my body was starting to feel a little bit tighter. And when you’re not wrestling as often your body is just adjusting differently. So I was like, okay, dude, you’re either going to end your career by just getting stagnant and fatter and more depressed. And like, I could have definitely kept continuing to do the YouTube videos and selling ads through an agency and I was doing very well and things were great. But that was kind of my full-time job. And then everything else kind of took a backseat in the trajectory of that, if that makes any sense.”

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Ethan Page Discusses Move from AEW to ROH and Career Focus on Professional Wrestling

In a recent interview on Insight With Chris Van Vliet, Ethan Page opened up about his decision to leave All Elite Wrestling (AEW) and join Ring of Honor (ROH). Page, who is known for his impressive physique and in-ring skills, shared his reasons for the move and his desire to focus more on professional wrestling.

Page explained that he made the decision to switch promotions because he wanted to be more active in the ring. With AEW’s roster growing larger, opportunities for physical involvement in matches became less frequent. While he commended AEW for having some of the best wrestlers in the world, he felt the need to prioritize his own career and dedicate himself to professional wrestling.

The wrestler also mentioned that as he aged, he noticed changes in his body and how it responded to wrestling. With fewer matches, his body started to feel tighter, and he realized that he needed to stay physically active in order to maintain his performance level. Page acknowledged that if he continued down the same path, he could end up feeling stagnant, gaining weight, and becoming more depressed.

Page also discussed his YouTube channel and how it played a role in his decision. He mentioned that he enjoyed creating content that inspired him but realized that it was taking away from his focus on professional wrestling. While he had been successful in monetizing his YouTube videos and selling ads through an agency, he recognized that it had become his full-time job, with wrestling taking a backseat. To prioritize his wrestling career, he decided to make the move to ROH.

The interview provided fans with insight into Page’s mindset and the factors that influenced his decision. It showcased his dedication to the sport and his desire to continue performing at a high level. Page’s decision to join ROH demonstrates his commitment to staying active in the ring and pursuing opportunities that align with his goals.

As fans eagerly await Page’s debut in ROH, they can continue to follow all the latest wrestling news on The platform provides updates, analysis, and coverage of the wrestling industry. Fans can also stay connected through eWrestlingNews’ Twitter and Facebook pages for real-time updates and engaging discussions.

In conclusion, Ethan Page’s move from AEW to ROH reflects his dedication to professional wrestling and his desire to stay physically active in the ring. His decision highlights the importance of prioritizing one’s career and making choices that align with personal goals. As Page embarks on this new chapter, fans can expect to see his passion and talent shine through in his performances.