Eric Young Brands Triple H a ‘Mastermind’, Asserts Delay of Crossover is ‘Outrageous & Foolish’

Eric Young Brands Triple H a ‘Mastermind’, Asserts Delay of Crossover is ‘Outrageous & Foolish’
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Former WWE superstar, Eric Young, expressed his opinions about the belated WWE collaborations with other organizations. He labeled it as “grossly overdue and ludicrous”.

He voiced his views during a recent interaction with Zack Heydorn from Brass Ring Media. Young touched upon the newly formed cooperation between WWE NXT and TNA Wrestling, lauding Triple H as a “mastermind.”

Here are some key points from their conversation:

About the WWE-TNA alliance: “The significant factor is Hunter’s brilliance. His intellect is the reason WWE is blossoming at the moment. It begins and ends with him. Naturally, it’s a collective effort with countless gifted individuals contributing, identical to the scenario in AEW and TNA. But with this partnership, we’re only skimming the surface right now and the possibilities for where it could go are endless. I envision certain outcomes and the wrestling fan community is buzzing about it. The ‘forbidden gateway,’ as some call it, is indeed real. This situation is new to WWE. They’ve always had the opportunity because they are the leading force with all the trumps in their hand. They can proceed as they wish and it won’t harm their enterprise, but they have never ventured in that direction before. Both you and I are aware of the reasons and even an ordinary wrestling fan will comprehend why that was not the case. Now, however, things have changed, with fresh leaders who understand that this is beneficial for professional wrestling and, consequently, for WWE.”

Regarding the advantages of this collaboration: “This partnership is beneficial as it enhances the audience while incurring zero costs. It’s like getting complimentary promotion on another company’s platform. WWE can still keep their talents engaged and gain exposure from cross-participations. This understanding of how the system works, along with the exposure from WWE and social media, is a win-win for everyone. That such a move has taken this long to materialize is, in all honesty, outrageous and senseless.”

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