Eric Bischoff’s Perspective: WWE’s Potential in the U.S. Has Reached Its Peak

Eric Bischoff’s Perspective: WWE’s Potential in the U.S. Has Reached Its Peak
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WWE has reached the maximum of its potential on TV, at least according to Hall of Famer and former RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff.

On a recent edition of his “83 Weeks” podcast, Bischoff compared WWE to the NFL, which he believes has tapped their entire market in the United States. He said,


“In WWE’s case, I would say that there is an argument, strictly from a business standpoint, that they’re kinda maxed out. I mean, how much more growth can you see with WWE in the United States? Can we see a fourth show in prime time? I don’t think so, doesn’t make sense, that’s oversaturation. Can we see more volume of PLEs? Add 20% add 30%? Eh, again, I think you’re approaching saturation at that point in interest.

“We know that the live event interest has changed, You can go to larger venues, but the non-televised live don’t make money, so they aren’t going to add more. It’s like the NFL, where is the NFL going to expand in the United States? Arguably, they have 100% of the potential market for their product. Anyone who is interested watching the NFL is watching the NFL, but the potential for growth is beyond U.S borders, and I think that’s what we’ve been seeing with the NFL, and I think that’s what we’re beginning to see, strategically, with WWE.”

Bischoff has been very impressed with WWE as of late. During a previous edition of his podcast, Bischoff said that 2023 had been the most exciting year for the company.

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WWE Reaches Maximum Potential on TV, Says Eric Bischoff

Eric Bischoff, WWE Hall of Famer and former RAW General Manager, recently shared his thoughts on the current state of WWE. According to Bischoff, the company has reached its maximum potential on TV, much like the NFL has in the United States.

During an episode of his “83 Weeks” podcast, Bischoff compared WWE to the NFL, stating that both have tapped into their entire market in the United States. He explained that from a business standpoint, there is an argument that WWE has maxed out its growth potential in the country.

Bischoff questioned whether there is room for a fourth show in prime time or if adding more volume to Pay-Per-View events would be beneficial. He believes that oversaturation could be a concern and that interest may approach saturation if WWE continues to expand in these areas.

The former RAW General Manager also discussed the changing dynamics of live events. While larger venues can be utilized, non-televised live events do not generate significant revenue. Bischoff compared this situation to the NFL, where expansion within the United States is limited due to having already captured 100% of the potential market. He suggested that WWE’s potential for growth lies beyond U.S borders, similar to what the NFL has been experiencing.

Despite reaching its maximum potential on TV, Bischoff has been impressed with WWE’s recent performance. In a previous episode of his podcast, he declared that 2023 had been the most exciting year for the company.

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In conclusion, Eric Bischoff’s assessment suggests that WWE has tapped into its full potential on TV in the United States. However, he believes that the company can still experience growth by expanding its reach beyond U.S borders, similar to what the NFL has done. Despite this, Bischoff remains impressed with WWE’s recent achievements and considers 2023 to be a particularly exciting year for the company.