Eric Bischoff Says LA Knight Is Piquing His Interest In The WWE Product

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In a recent installment of his ‘Strictly Business’ podcast, Eric Bischoff shared his insights on the ascent of LA Knight within WWE. Bischoff delved into WWE’s current advantageous position fueled by The Bloodline’s triumph, how capitalizing on a hot industry aids talent promotion, and how LA Knight could reap the rewards.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


Bischoff’s take on WWE’s favorable Landscape: “That’s where WWE is heading. They’re headed into that sweet spot. And it doesn’t last forever, but they’re heading into a sweet spot where a guy like LA Knight, who I didn’t even — I mean, I knew who he was, but it was off my radar six months ago. And now he’s all over my radar. He’s everywhere I’d look. Every time I I open up my…X? Whatever it’s called… When I open up my Twitter and look at my Twitter timeline… He’s everywhere. And I’ve watched some of his clips. I haven’t sat down and watched him on a show, but I’ve watched many of his clips. I’ve watched some of his promos.”

Bischoff’s interest piqued by Knight’s Impact: “And I get Kevin Nash, you know, he came out and took a little bit of a half-ass shot, but I understand why he said it. I saw the same things Kevin did. But man, he’s on the verge of really getting over. It’s fun to watch, man. It’s what makes me interested in WWE. [It] isn’t necessarily watching the storylines play out like most people. I get off on this kind of stuff. Reading this report is going to make me tune in to WWE more regularly to find out how they’re achieving this. I wanna see what they’re doing, as best you can on television. A lot of it you can’t. But I wanna see what they’re doing creatively, at least that’s generating this kinda success that makes me interested in their product.”

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