Eric Bischoff professes, ‘In a matter of 20 minutes, I can successfully transform Cody Rhodes into a villainous character.’

Eric Bischoff professes, ‘In a matter of 20 minutes, I can successfully transform Cody Rhodes into a villainous character.’
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In a recent episode of the “83 Weeks” podcast, Eric Bischoff shared his thoughts on the potential for wrestler Cody Rhodes to take on a villainous persona. Bischoff revealed that he has been mulling over this transition for a while, devising a subtle, gradual progression from hero to antagonist.

According to Bischoff, a slow transformation for Cody would make more sense than an abrupt shift. He expressed a wish to engage Cody, currently holding the title of Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, in a meaningful dialogue regarding this concept. Bischoff believes that his proposed method could result in a unique and impactful character evolution.

Bischoff voiced his thoughts saying, “I’ve been thinking about it. I have an idea in my head; it’s not a big idea, it’s not an angle. It’s all about the transition. Typically, going from babyface to heel is an abrupt transition, like all of a sudden, right? But I see it differently in my head. I almost texted Cody this the other day. In fact, I will. Cody, if you’re listening to this, if there’s ever a conversation about you turning heel and it starts to get a little bit real, give me 20 minutes before you make a decision. Give me 20 minutes just to add a little bit of something to make it special.”

Bischoff carried on, “So yeah, I think, look, is it gonna happen? I don’t know. I don’t talk to anybody. But if it does, I’d like 20 minutes of Cody’s time. If he turns, I’ve got a little something, and it’s so subtle but it would be so effective.”