Eric Bischoff holds nothing but “professional admiration” for Vince McMahon.

Eric Bischoff holds nothing but “professional admiration” for Vince McMahon.
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While there have been negative discussions regarding Vince McMahon’s reputation in recent times, Eric Bischoff harbors a deep “[emphasized]professional respect[/emphasized]” for the former WWE CEO.

In January 2024, McMahon stepped down from his WWE role due to a lawsuit from Janel Grant. Contrary to his 2022 resignation, he currently lacks the authority to make a comeback to the organization.

During one of the recent episodes of his podcast, “83 Weeks”, Bischoff expressed his admiration for McMahon who just turned 79, emphasizing,

“[emphasized]I hold a deep professional respect and admiration… While it’s not all roses, you can’t deny the massive impact Vince has had on professional wrestling. You may not agree with everything related to Vince McMahon, but you simply can’t dismiss his significant contributions[/emphasized]”.

In addition, Bischoff discussed the circulating rumors about McMahon’s deteriorating health and crafted a unique proposition to recuperate the ex-boss of WWE. He opined,

“[emphasized]Now, I’m contemplating a challenge to Vince for a fight. Nothing could bring Vince McMahon back to his full vitality faster than a fight, if he’s actually not at his peak health. That man is a fighter through and through[/emphasized]”.

Notably, Bischoff once invited McMahon for a fight during the infamous Monday Night Wars, proposing that the bout could be aired on WCW television. Unfortunately, McMahon turned down the confrontation.