Eric Bischoff expresses unfavorable views of Tony Khan as lacking smarts, and renders severe criticism towards AEW, referring to them as incredibly poor.

Eric Bischoff expresses unfavorable views of Tony Khan as lacking smarts, and renders severe criticism towards AEW, referring to them as incredibly poor.
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On the latest installment of his podcast “Wise Choices”, renowned WWE Hall of Famer, Eric Bischoff, delved into some tough topics – AEW’s slipping viewership numbers and the performance of its female division.

In his podcast, here are some highlights that you might find interesting:

Speaking about Tony Khan’s claim that AEW hosts the finest women’s division in wrestling Bischoff stated: “The critical aspect isn’t just about executing a series of moves during a match, it’s about how you draw the audience into your match. I’m not here to throw unkind comments on the match, or indeed the women involved. They’re not accountable for the ill-advised comments made by Tony Khan. He claimed to possess the world’s top women’s wrestling division, which has set an expectation among the wrestling spectators, and they’ll make their own judgments. And they’ll conclude, ‘No, they’re not the best.’ This reminds me of what happened with WCW and the ‘Who Killed WCW?’ series. As the saying goes, it’s ‘Death by 1,000 Cuts.’ And every time Khan voices his thoughts on public platforms or on social media, it’s another cut. So, in my view, it’s time for him to stop boasting about being the best; it’s not working.”

When discussing the slipping AEW ratings Bischoff continued: “The truth is, your ratings are sinking. And it’s not a recent phenomenon. All anyone has to do is refer to Wrestlenomics, check out Brandon Thurston’s work, and they’ll see the data for themselves. He even displays the statistics in a colorful graph. But remember, this isn’t merely my viewpoint. Data is factual and cannot be manipulated by liars. These statistics display the harsh reality – your audience, the network who pays you to generate and maintain a following, are losing interest. Their thoughts on these declining numbers, I can’t say. But it’s glaringly obvious when you look at the chart – your viewer statistics are dipping. It’s ‘Death by 1,000 Cuts’ yet again. Viewers are dropping off consistently, and this trend has been ongoing for the past few years.”