On a recent episode of the “83 Weeks” podcast, Eric Bischoff delivered a critique of John Cena’s villainous ‘heel’ promo which took place on the WWE RAW show on March 17th.
Here are some key points from the podcast:
Discussing Cena’s introductory heel promo, Bischoff felt it lacked impact: “I concur with your opinion. The announcement – John Cena turning villain – was indeed thrilling. People were considering the possibilities. But ultimately, there was no solid impact, other than his switch to be a heel. From what I saw of his promo, it piqued interest. It was alright, his delivery was top-notch, but the essence was far from potent for the role.”
Regarding Cena’s unchanged physical appearance, Bischoff shared: “That’s a fascinating question. I’ve changed my perception over time. Initially, I desired a transformation in John’s character physically, signifying his shift to a villainous role in some manner. I didn’t have a clear picture of what it should be. However, now I believe they are handling it correctly for John. Here’s the catch, if his character undergoes a drastic transformation immediately, it would seem forced and inauthentic. It’s imperative to grant adequate time for transition, otherwise, it will appear to be an abrupt creative leap, void of reason. As a consequence, the connection to authenticity is lost. It doesn’t seem natural, doesn’t seem as if we are witnessing the transformation during our journey. It comes across as a sudden change – he walked in one way, came out another, which feels like a disconnect. So, while a couple of weeks ago, I would have implored for a change in his appearance, especially considering the creative nuances they are creating for him, maintaining consistency with his character serves as probably the best idea.”
Below is the podcast where Eric Bischoff shares his insights on John Cena’s promo that marks the wrestler’s transformation into a ‘heel’.