Eric Bischoff Criticizes Tony Khan’s Spending and Questions His Accountability

Eric Bischoff Criticizes Tony Khan’s Spending and Questions His Accountability
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On a recent edition of his “Strictly Business” podcast, Eric Bischoff discussed his recent Twitter spat with AEW President Tony Khan where Khan stated that Bischoff had a fraud of a podcast (83 Weeks) that was ending.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On Tony Khan calling the Strictly Business podcast a fraud: “Going back to Tony’s 4 am post. ‘Probably a great idea to sunset. This fraud,’ he called me a fraud. You know, which — whatever. I’m the podcast, right? I mean, you and I are both together but, you know what I mean. Yeah, ‘The podcast is a fraud.’ And he suggested that you know, it’s a good thing I did that prior to the renewal. I’ve never said — I’ve never bet anybody. I’ve said many times on this show with you, and probably one of our shows where we did predictions. I predict, wouldn’t be surprised that AEW does resign. Never really debated that. I think there are some issues there. I think some of them have to do with — a lot of them having to do with AEW, because they’re flatlined. If they were patient, like if this was a patient on a hospital bed, they would start calling the family.”

On whether AEW will change the structure of talent contracts with a new media rights deal: “I don’t see it. Look, Tony is not responsible to anyone. If Tony was an employee of somebody who is putting all this money into wrestling, Tony would have been out of a job within 60 days. Six months, tops. But Tony’s not accountable. He’s spending Daddy’s money. He’s spending his inheritance, he didn’t have to wait for his dad to die to get the inheritance. His dad said, ‘Go, enjoy it now. Go do whatever you want to do.’ So Tony gets to live his 14-year-old Tony Kahn dream about being a booker. That’s what’s going on. There’s no financial pressure on Tony that I’m aware of. The only pressure on Tony is, can he can keep his show on cable television. That’s the pressure. And I think Tony wants to spend however much money Tony needs to spend in order to continue. That’s why I won’t be surprised. It wouldn’t surprise me if he bought his show on. To be honest, I would not be surprised. Buying the time to air his show, like a f**king infomercial. It’s been tried, it’s been done before.”

On not seeing a world where AEW doesn’t stay on the air: “I don’t either. And Conrad and I were talking about this. Conrad asked me, oh, a week ago, maybe two weeks ago, ‘Do you think you think AEW will be around in five years?’ I said, ‘Absolutely.’ It may not be around in the form that we see, form being the distribution platforms. There may be another way or a different way that you’ll be watching it. It may not be on cable television; it may be. We’ll find out probably in May. Another month or so, we’ll know, two months. But I don’t think it’s ever gonna go away, because Tony has too much money. Tony can play in the sandbox he’s created for as long as he chooses to. Because there’s no pressure on him, there’s no fiscal, financial pressure on it. He doesn’t have to perform other than trying to stay on TV.”

In a recent episode of his podcast “Strictly Business,” Eric Bischoff addressed a Twitter exchange with AEW President Tony Khan. Khan had referred to Bischoff’s podcast, “83 Weeks,” as a fraud that was coming to an end. Bischoff shared his thoughts on the matter and discussed the future of AEW.

Bischoff began by acknowledging Khan’s comment, stating that he was the podcast and that he and Khan were both part of it. He brushed off the accusation of fraud and expressed his belief that AEW would likely continue to exist. However, he did mention that there were some issues within the company that needed to be addressed.

When asked about the possibility of AEW changing the structure of talent contracts with a new media rights deal, Bischoff expressed doubt. He pointed out that Tony Khan, as the owner of AEW, was not accountable to anyone and had the financial freedom to make decisions without external pressure. Bischoff suggested that if Khan were an employee of someone investing in wrestling, he would have been out of a job by now. However, with his personal wealth, Khan could continue to pursue his vision for AEW.

Bischoff also speculated that AEW might explore alternative distribution platforms in the future. He mentioned that while the current form of AEW may change, he didn’t see the company disappearing entirely. He emphasized that Tony Khan had significant financial resources and could sustain AEW for as long as he desired.

In conclusion, Eric Bischoff’s comments on his podcast shed light on his Twitter exchange with Tony Khan and offered insights into the future of AEW. While there may be some challenges ahead, Bischoff believes that AEW will continue to thrive due to Tony Khan’s financial backing and passion for the industry.