Eric Bischoff Believes MLW Lawsuit Led to WWE-TNA Crossover Event

Eric Bischoff Believes MLW Lawsuit Led to WWE-TNA Crossover Event
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In a recent episode of his podcast, “83 Weeks”, WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff shared his thoughts on the ongoing partnership between WWE and TNA Wrestling.

According to Bischoff, this collaboration between WWE and TNA could be a strategic response to the legal action from MLW, where WWE was compelled to pay a significant financial settlement. One of the key accusations from MLW was that WWE ran a monopoly in the wrestling industry.

Here are some key points that Bischoff discussed in the episode:

Regarding his surprise about WWE’s collaboration with TNA, Bischoff stated: “On one hand, yes and no. Actually, more of no. To me, it seems to be a sensible move. If one considers the recent lawsuit between WWE and MLW and the fact that WWE was on the losing side, it’s understandable that WWE would want to do everything in its power to downplay or eliminate any future allegations of monopolistic practices. By actively engaging with and endorsing TNA, they are taking the necessary legal measures to protect themselves from future similar lawsuits that might accuse WWE of monopolistic behavior. What better defense against such accusations than to form alliances with other wrestling organizations and support them? I see it as a shrewd move, one that was likely sparked by the MLW lawsuit.”

On the positive aspects of the WWE-TNA collaboration, Bischoff said: “The exposure is undoubtedly fantastic, it’s a much-needed boost. Let’s be honest, TNA’s broadcasting network doesn’t offer much in the way of exposure. One would have to be a real TNA enthusiast to search for it and watch it. So being able to appear on the USA Network with likely – and I’m only guessing here – approximately 700,000 to 800,000 viewers, is a tremendous opportunity. It benefits not just individual talent but the TNA brand as a whole. I am eager to see how TNA takes advantage of this exposure, and whether they can convert it into bigger and better opportunities, perhaps on another network? Regardless of what happens, this partnership is a win-win situation for all parties involved.”