Eric Bischoff asserts that Tony Khan’s primary strategy is to acquire former WWE stars.

Eric Bischoff asserts that Tony Khan’s primary strategy is to acquire former WWE stars.
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In the latest episode of “Wise Choices”, a popular podcast hosted by WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff, he explored the strategy of All Elite Wrestling (AEW) regarding their recruitment of WWE talent. He also delves into how AEW may be overextending themselves with their hardcore fanbase.

Here are some noteworthy insights made by Bischoff during his podcast episode:

Bischoff’s take on AEW recruiting talent from WWE by stating, “Tony’s main strategy seems to be to sign as many WWE stars as possible. These are WWE individuals who, to be clear, mean no disrespect. They’ve simply finished their run in WWE. Regardless of the reasons; their career arc, health, they’re essentially on the decline. They stop by AEW. They stand to earn a significant sum of money, have some fun, and collaborate with likable people. That’s fantastic, and I wish them well. In fact, I’m slightly envious. However, only a few such cases exist. The majority of talent transitioning from WWE to AEW means, in essence, the end of their wrestling career.”

He also shared his perspective on AEW catering excessively to their dedicated fanbase. “The data collected by Brandon (Thurston) speaks for itself. AEW is currently hyper-focused on pleasing its hardcore fans and appears to be ignoring the broader audience. Whether this is due to them simply not knowing how to engage them or a conscious decision, my thinking leans towards the former. This overemphasis on the hardcore fanbase because it’s all they know how to do is costing them. The wider audience is wary of them, and they are struggling to retain their solid fanbase. As per Brandon Thurston’s research, their numbers are showing a noticeable decline year after year,” Bischoff added.

Find the podcast episode embedded below for more insights on the subject: