Eric Bischoff asserts that the consumption rate of AEW merchandise is plummeting, indicating a negative trajectory.

Eric Bischoff asserts that the consumption rate of AEW merchandise is plummeting, indicating a negative trajectory.
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During a recent episode of his “83 Weeks” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff expressed his thoughts about the current condition of AEW and how it’s losing audience engagement. Below are some of the key takeaways from his podcast:

Firstly, Bischoff commented on AEW and the cyclical nature of the wrestling industry. He pointed out that if it was truly cyclical, both AEW and WWE would be impacted. He did not hesitate to criticize the common excuse that any downturn is due to the cyclical nature of the business and not the result of a lack of creativity or talent. He pointed out that AEW has been losing audience not because of a general downturn in the wrestling sector, but because people are plainly not being drawn to their product. He emphasized this point with the example of AEW’s 250th milestone show, which drew less than 3000 fans, even with the two biggest stars of the company at the forefront.

Bischoff also remarked on WWE’s success, stating they are constantly setting financial and attendance records. For them, it’s not a cycle, but consistent growth. However, for AEW, he states, it’s more of a downward spiral than a cycle.

As for whether Bischoff enjoys seeing AEW’s decline, he clarified his viewpoint – he does not relish in it; instead, he simply appreciates being able to contrast facts with persistent rumors, particularly those spread by individuals such as Dave Meltzer. He criticized those who make excuses for AEW’s drop in engagement, instead of facing the reality of their situation.

The podcast episode also includes a detailed discussion on Cody Rhodes’ first 100 days as WWE Champion, presented in the form of an embedded video.