“Envy towards Hulk Hogan has never been a sentiment I’ve experienced,” Ted DiBiase Sr. claimed.

“Envy towards Hulk Hogan has never been a sentiment I’ve experienced,” Ted DiBiase Sr. claimed.
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In an episode of his podcast, “Everybody’s Got a Pod”, WWE Hall of Famer Ted DiBiase Sr. gave insights into his collaboration with Hulk Hogan during their tenure at WWE. Here are some key discussions from this episode:

DiBiase Sr. commented on Hogan’s ascent as a wrestling star: “No one could have predicted that. Obviously, considering his appearance and size, one would expect it. But let’s not forget that he was just starting in the wrestling business at that time. When we first faced off at Madison Square Garden, I helped guide that match. Our match was quite a spectacle. I did my best to make him look like a superstar, as Vince Sr. had instructed me. Hogan was so grateful for my efforts that he thanked me and said, ‘I owe you one’.”

Talking about Hogan’s journey to stardom, DiBiase recalled, “Eventually he became the big star. I remember when I returned to New York in ’87, Hogan had a huge reputation. On my return, the first thing he did was thank me, saying ‘It’s payback time.’ He had not forgotten his initial days. Then, throughout our early years there, we had many single and tag team matches. His gesture affirmed his integrity and good nature, being a man of his word. His reputation among peers is mostly positive.”

DiBiase also opened up about never being envious of Hogan: “‘Jealous’ is not the term for how I felt. When I joined WWE in ’87, I got a major push, which led me to wonder if others were envious. Most probably felt delighted about their chance coming their way. I too seized my fair share of opportunities. However, I didn’t get the ‘Hulk Hogan’ push or carry the big belt as the main babyface star. Yet, I achieved considerable success.”