El Hijo Del Vikingo, a renowned wrestling personality, marked his entry into the action-packed wrestling domain of the United Kingdom. His much-anticipated debut took place at the high-profile PROGRESS Unboxing event held recently.
The Lucha Libre star was pitted against the formidable Kid Lykos II, an experienced combatant with a robust track record in the wrestling circuits of the United States and Japan.
However, the match took an unfortunate turn due to an unexpected hitch. Vikingo suffered from an unfavorable fall, which caused the match to be abruptly stopped.
Previously, Vikingo was scheduled to face off with Cara Noir at the Vendetta 2 event, however, due to recurring injuries, that duel had to be called off.
Following the incident, PROGRESS Wrestling took to their Twitter, voicing their concern and announcing their intent for his prompt recovery. They tweeted, “ Vikingo vs Lykos II was stopped early due to an unfortunate injury to Vikingo. He will get checked over by our medical team, and we hope for a speedy recovery, and a return to a PROGRESS ring in the future.”
The announcement can be seen in the tweets below:
This British debut has marked an important milestone in Vikingo’s professional wrestling career, despite its abrupt end due to an unfortunate injury. All eyes are now set on his recovery, with hopes of witnessing his return to the PROGRESS ring in the near future.