Eddie Kingston has been sidelined for almost a year due to a fractured tibia, along with a torn ACL and meniscus which he suffered in May. In the process of his recuperation, Kingston revealed that he encountered problems with his digestive system.
Speaking recently to Pwinsider, Kingston detailed how these medical issues arose and offered reassurances to his fans that his health is on the mend.
Kingston’s medical teams anticipate that he will be permitted to make a comeback sometime this summer.
Kingston openly stated, “I just messed up due to stress and started medication for it. It is improving on a daily basis. Here’s a direct quote from me: I allowed insignificant matters beyond my control to stress me out. As a result, I messed up my stomach, but I am actively working on improvement and I will recover. Lately, I’ve experienced highs and lows. A typical day for me. I am currently without usual outlets for venting out my frustration. This is the most extended time I’ve spent away from my love, pro wrestling. I couldn’t be more brutally honest.”