“Eddie Guerrero was preordained to become an immense celebrity,” claims Bruce Prichard.

“Eddie Guerrero was preordained to become an immense celebrity,” claims Bruce Prichard.
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WWE executive Bruce Prichard discussed numerous topics on his “Something To Wrestle With” podcast recently, including Eddie Guerrero’s WWE Title win and unique wrestling venues.

Here are some of his key takeaways from the podcast:

On Eddie Guerrero’s victorious moment at No Way Out 2004: Prichard revealed that Guerrero’s win was significant on a personal level, as he overcame hurdles of drug addiction and disparagement. Despite the setbacks, Prichard and others had faith that Guerrero would eventually assume prominence. His victory was seen not just as an accomplishment, but also as a heartfelt and emotional moment for those who supported him.

On the most interesting wrestling venues: Prichard finds Times Square to be one of the most non-traditional wrestling venues. Having a wrestling match amidst the bustling energy of Times Square on a Friday afternoon was described as both insane and exciting. Prichard further noted that venues are susceptible to the unpredictability of outdoor elements like weather.

On intriguing future venues: Prichard expressed interest in hosting matches at unique locations such as abandoned asylums and prisons, especially during the pandemic. Such unusual locales would not only offer a distinctive aspect to the show but also comply with social distancing norms due to their vacant nature.