EC3 Talks His ‘Undiagnosable’ Injury Over The Past Year

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EC3 appeared as a guest on Under the Ring with Phil Strum, where he discussed a variety of topics.

During it, the NWA star discussed an injury he has dealt with on his way to the NWA 75 PPV on August 27th, where he will challenge Tyrus for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship in a Bull Rope match with the stipulation that if Tyrus loses, he will retire from in-ring competition.


“Physically too, I went through it coming into NWA 75. I was in tip-top shape but I had an injury that was undiagnosable. I had something that was wrong with me that couldn’t be cured. You could see it in my body. I had an atrophy develop on my right side and you know, trained through that, worked through that. Fortunately, I never had to have a surgery. Beaten that. That physical aspect took place. It was a hard year but it was a necessary year, because only through the hard, going through the suffering, can you become who you’re supposed to be? Can you come out of it on the other side? To have the top spot at NWA 75, to have the opportunity to become the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion, it’s a great honor I do not take lightly. It’s a great honor to be the future NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion. The title has a prestige, it has a legacy.”

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