Earl Hebner Says The Reason Given Behind WWE Firing Is A Lie

Earl Hebner Says The Reason Given Behind WWE Firing Is A Lie
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Veteran professional wrestling referee, Earl Hebner, has recently contested the long-held account of why he was suddenly dismissed by WWE in 2005.

It has been widely reported over the years that Earl and his brother were shown the door after Earl was caught selling WWE merchandise unbeknownst to the organization.

However, in a conversation with Ten Count Media, Earl raised doubts about the suggestion that he would jeopardize his prominent role at WWE for a modest money-making scheme by selling unofficial merchandise. He stated:

“Why would I give up a 0,000-a-year job for a t-shirt? It never made sense to me. The truth was never told—it was all a lie. But you know, there were other places I went, and I just kept going.”

Earl went on to provide his version of the actual events, claiming that his dismissal from WWE was a maneuver by John Laurinaitis to oust both Hebner brothers.

Hebner, most recognized for his involvement in the Montreal Screwjob, would later join TNA Wrestling and make appearances off the ring at other events.

Here, you can find Earl Hebner revealing the real reason why Vince McMahon dismissed him from WWE.