Drew McIntyre Unveils New ‘Drew’s Law’ Idea – Specifics Revealed

Drew McIntyre Unveils New ‘Drew’s Law’ Idea – Specifics Revealed
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The WWE star Drew McIntyre utilized social media platforms on Wednesday to share his unique interpretation of Newton’s Law, named “Drew’s Law” by the superstar himself.

“Drew’s Law”, as explained by McIntyre, necessitates that “for every action, a violent reaction unlike any you have ever witnessed ensues.”

Let us take a look at some of the key points from the video the Scottish Warrior posted:

Discussing Drew’s Law: “We are here, a week removed since Glasgow. I am finally home. I was supposed to be champion, but I’m not. I’m in contemplation. Newton’s Third Law states for every action there’s an equivalent and opposing reaction. But in Drew’s Law, for every action, a violent reaction like you’ve never seen will follow, should you merit it.”

Reflecting on CM Punk’s statements at the Clash at the Castle press conference: “Looking back at the press release after Clash at the Castle, CM Punk stated, ‘As long as I’m alive, I will prevent Drew McIntyre from ever becoming world champion.’ Beginning there, I could’ve made that a reality on SmackDown by ending his life. Would’ve been straightforward. I could have suffocated him with his weak little body. But that’d be letting him off easy. He doesn’t deserve an easy escape. I left him just enough vitality so he could watch me triumph while he bears the utmost discomfort as his wife cares for him.”

Giving his opinion on CM Punk: “He stripped everything away from me in Glasgow. Then he had the audacity to twist the knife, sitting there in green, making idiotic remarks. What have I done to deserve this from a foolish like CM Punk who is hell-bent on ruining me? Now he can pretend he’s the devil but when I’m pushed to this point, I’m a rightful beast. The devil is my underling. Just like Phil. Who’s going to stop me? Plus, I’m on the side of justice. I’m the hero. Phil, you stole my dreams. Now I’m the recurring nightmare every time you shut those lifeless eyes of yours. You may think you’re the devil. But when challenged, I’m an unhinged maniac. I despise you.”

Expressing his disdain towards CM Punk: “I have never felt such hatred towards anyone in my life until you came along. However, knowing that you’re suffering and in agony because of my actions gives me comfort. And my hatred? It dies with you.”

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