Drew McIntyre Addresses His WWE Contract Status

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Drew McIntyre returned to WWE at Money in the Bank 2023 to confront Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER after dealing with an injury that kept him out of action since WrestleMania 39 and wanting time off. 

As we previously reported here on eWn, McIntyre is unhappy with recent WWE creative and is also far apart on money with the company for a new deal, as his existing deal expires early next year, something that could be extended to around WrestleMania 40 next April.


While speaking to the Hindustan Times, McIntyre talked about where things stand.

“I mean, I keep reading the internet myself. I just saw something earlier. The internet keeps talking about my future, I guess. But my focus is on the here and now like I don’t look to the future, I don’t look to the past, I look to the present. And my job right now is just making sure we give everybody in Hyderabad the best show possible and I’ll continue to give the best performance I can give at every show and I can see I don’t plan to be anywhere else. That’s as much as I can give,” he said.

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