Dominik Mysterio Discusses His Views on Wearing a Mask Based on His Appearance

Dominik Mysterio Discusses His Views on Wearing a Mask Based on His Appearance
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Dominik Mysterio, unlike his father Rey Mysterio, has competed without a mask to date, and he doesn’t see himself wearing a Lucha mask any time in the future.

In a recent interview with “The Ringer,” Dominik shared his thoughts on the Lucha mask. He said,

“You know, I feel like I deserved the mask from the beginning. It’s the tradition. I should have wrestled Seth in a mask at SummerSlam, but at the end of the day, I’m too good looking. I got to show off the luscious mullet.

He continued, “I don’t think I’ll ever actually wear the mask full-time, unless I lost a bet or my life depended on it to survive or it gave me magic powers or something. I would never actually cover this. I got a hell of a smile. I’m gonna take the Mysterio name to another level and I’m not gonna need a mask.”

Dominik Mysterio, the son of legendary wrestler Rey Mysterio, has made a name for himself in the world of professional wrestling. Unlike his father, who is known for his iconic Lucha mask, Dominik has chosen to compete without one. In a recent interview, he explained his decision and expressed his belief that he will never wear a mask in the future.

Traditionally, Lucha Libre, a style of professional wrestling popular in Mexico, involves wrestlers wearing masks to conceal their identities. These masks are not only a symbol of tradition but also serve as a way for wrestlers to create a unique persona and connect with the audience. However, Dominik has chosen to break away from this tradition and showcase his face to the world.

In the interview with “The Ringer,” Dominik humorously stated that he believes he deserved the mask from the beginning. However, he also mentioned that he considers himself too good looking to cover his face. He takes pride in his appearance and wants to show off his luscious mullet and captivating smile.

Dominik made it clear that he does not see himself wearing a mask full-time in the future. He jokingly mentioned that he might consider wearing one if he lost a bet or if his life depended on it. However, he firmly believes that he can take the Mysterio name to another level without the need for a mask.

While some fans may be disappointed by Dominik’s decision to forgo the mask, it is important to remember that wrestlers have the freedom to express themselves in their own unique ways. Dominik’s choice to compete without a mask allows him to establish his own identity and separate himself from his father’s legacy.

By not wearing a mask, Dominik is able to connect with the audience on a more personal level. Fans can see his facial expressions and emotions during matches, which adds an extra layer of authenticity to his performances. This decision also allows him to showcase his wrestling skills and prove that he can succeed based on his own merit, rather than relying solely on his family name.

Dominik’s decision to compete without a mask may be unconventional in the world of Lucha Libre, but it is a testament to his confidence and determination. He is determined to make a name for himself and carve out his own path in the wrestling industry. While the mask may be an integral part of Lucha Libre tradition, Dominik is proving that he can thrive without it.

In conclusion, Dominik Mysterio’s choice to compete without a mask sets him apart from his father’s legacy and allows him to establish his own identity in the wrestling world. While some may question his decision, it is clear that Dominik is confident in his abilities and believes that he can take the Mysterio name to new heights without the need for a mask. As he continues to make his mark in professional wrestling, fans will undoubtedly be watching closely to see how he further distinguishes himself from his father’s iconic legacy.