Does Vince McMahon Get Angry When WWE Fans Hijack The Shows?

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In certain cities, WWE fans have been known to hijack the shows where they often cheer for the heels and boo the babyfaces. But does that upset Vince McMahon?

Speaking on the latest edition of his “Oh You Didn’t Know” podcast, WWE’s SVP of Live Events Brian “Road Dogg” James revealed that Vince McMahon and John Cena are two people that don’t let the crowd reactions bother them.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On if Vince McMahon gets angry about fans hijacking the show: “No, he’s probably one of the ones that didn’t get hot about it. Because I think he sees from a higher elevation than I do. I get hot about it, because I’m a performer and I know he is too, so I don’t understand. But maybe he gets it, ‘as long as they’re doing something they’re getting their money’s worth and here they are.’ And I know that was always always Cena’s mentality too.”

On getting mad at it himself: “I don’t know, I get offended a little bit. And I get it, you’re saying what you want or you’re doing, you know what I mean? But I don’t know, I don’t where to land, but I get irritated by it. I think that bigger picture mentality is probably the right one to take, I’m just not a good person. [laughs]”

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