Do you think WCW SuperBrawl, New Blood Rising & The Match Beyond should make a return? | Daily Discussion Topic

Do you think WCW SuperBrawl, New Blood Rising & The Match Beyond should make a return? | Daily Discussion Topic
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WWE has recently filed for three former World Championship Wrestling (WCW) trademarks: SuperBrawl, New Blood Rising, and The Match Beyond. This has led to speculation that the company might revive these properties either as TV specials or high-grade live events. However, it’s also possible WWE simply wanted to maintain legal ownership of the trademarks.

Today’s eWrestlingNews Question of the Day asks: “Should any of these three trademarks make a comeback? If so, how might that happen?”

Please share your opinion in the comments section!

Here’s my perspective on the matter:

SuperBrawl – Definitely!

Given the appeal of the name, I’m surprised WWE hasn’t exploited it over the past many years.

Historically, SuperBrawl was a February event, marketed to coincide with the Super Bowl. I believe WWE should not only carry on its infrequent Halftime Heat events, but also integrate SuperBrawl into its February programming — perhaps even reincorporate Battlebowl as well!

Of course, WWE already hosts Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber in February and NXT typically casts Roadblock in early March.

Nonetheless, with Super Bowl LIX set for Sunday, February 9, 2025, why not brand the preceding SmackDown (Feb 7th) or the following Raw (Feb 10th) as a SuperBrawl episode? Already presenting notable matches can only enhance the profile of the show, especially if it’s flagged with a distinctive subtitle, à la New Year’s Revolution or WWE Day 1.

New Blood Rising – Pass

I find the name rather weak. It’s more emblematic of its 2000 origin than anything else.

Originally, “New Blood Rising” referred to the New Blood stable. Absent now, the moniker loses its punch. A more appropriate usage might involve Solo Sikoa’s Bloodline squad. If the young lion overtakes the old guard, “New Blood Rising” could work. That said, it’s not the strongest name to put on a pay-per-view. At most, it might serve as a tagline for an episode of Raw or SmackDown, or even a documentary about the group.

The Match Beyond – Absolutely Not

This name doesn’t work for me at all. It sounds like a gimmicky pitch from the past.

Moreover, “The Match Beyond” alludes to WarGames. But WarGames already figures prominently in Survivor Series. I don’t quite see a tasteful way to integrate this without it coming across as either totally purposeless or downright silly.

What are your thoughts? Should these names be reintroduced somehow? And if so, how? Please share your thoughts below in our ongoing EWN QOTD discussion.