“Dijak realized he was in trouble following his trade in the WWE Draft.”

“Dijak realized he was in trouble following his trade in the WWE Draft.”
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After parting ways with World Wrestling Entertainment today, Dijak is openly discussing his tenure in WWE and the circumstances that led to his exit. Although it appeared his career was heading in a promising direction after his transfer to Monday Night Raw in the WWE Draft of 2024, he discloses that the move was not fortuitous. Instead, it signaled an end to his stint with the company.

In a conversation with Sean Ross Sapp from Fightful, Dijak reveals how he realized his predicament during the draft:

“I was sitting there, observing the draft unfold. The drafting process is unpredictable, with everyone kept in the dark about what’s happening. All kinds of thoughts were racing through my mind. On one hand, I was miffed but remained true to my grumpy character. On the other hand, I’m internally troubled with news of being considered for the main event picture for the NXT Championship and my expiring contract in a month’s time.

Seeing my name not called up left me in a quandary. I was hoping to be part of NXT with Trick and enjoy an interesting feud, but was unsure if they would renew my contract. It was a weird situation to be in.

My dismay grew as I watched names being called out. I suspected that being placed in the supplemental draft essentially meant being sidelined. The announcement of Blair Davenport only heightened my worries and it seemed like my worst suspicions had come true when they announced one more name.

I immediately knew my career was in danger and sent messages to my significant other and friends sharing my apprehensions. I had to act pleased for the cameras in spite of being painfully aware of my likely fate. Few understood the gravity of the situation, except perhaps for other talent.

My dedication to the Performance Center lifestyle was complete and there was genuine excitement for my future around me. But my internal dialogue was telling a different story. I attended my first Raw meeting with hope, but found no plans in place for me. The WWE game of second-guessing and overthinking started but with every justification, it further confirmed my fears.”

Kudos to Fightful for providing the transcript of their interview with Dijak. The complete interview can be viewed below.

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Let us know where you’d like to see Dijak’s journey take him next, and share your views on his transition to Raw, in the comments section below!