Dijak Articulated – ‘Vince McMahon Desired My Unsuccessfulness in WWE’

Dijak Articulated – ‘Vince McMahon Desired My Unsuccessfulness in WWE’
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The contract with WWE of Dijak is set to conclude by the end of today. He made an appearance on the Twitch channel of Mace and Mansoor on Thursday evening, where he spoke about his intent to consider a last-ditch proposal from the organization, should one be extended.

Dijak revealed his disappointment with Vince McMahon’s apparent drive to discount his capabilities, despite his commendable performance in the ring. Here’s what the 37-year-old wrestling athlete had to say:

“This entire grueling experience, all for the sake of winning over Vince, only for him to obsess over the fact that I didn’t handle an opponent with enough aggression during a break that wasn’t even seen on the TV broadcast. There was this pivotal moment where I realized, ‘Oh, they’re simply searching for an excuse to dislike me.’ Because this is professional wrestling, isn’t it? It’s scripted combat. They can come up with any excuse that they please. My conclusion was, ‘Oh, they (the management) wants to see me fail. They’re deliberately scanning for reasons to not utilize me.’”

The future path of Dijak within the wrestling industry still hangs in the balance. However, it is quite clear that his retrospective assessments of his time spent with WWE are anything but pleasant. The direct quotes are retained untouched in the revised piece.