‘Developing a bond with Dominik Mysterio has been natural, enjoyable, and effortless,’ says Liv Morgan.

‘Developing a bond with Dominik Mysterio has been natural, enjoyable, and effortless,’ says Liv Morgan.
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During a fresh dialogue with interviewer Denise Salcedo, Liv Morgan shared her thoughts about her continuing plotline with Dominik Mysterio. She praised the ease and enjoyment that mark their interactions. Morgan articulated,

“It’s been a breeze and a joyride. Totally organic, effortless, and enjoyable. What insights have I gained from Dominik – or as I like to call him, Daddy Dom? I’ve always been somewhat intense and leaning towards the neurotic side. But he levels me down, calms my storm. He’s a cool cucumber and I’ve learned to appreciate that. It’s taught me to take a step back and just… relax more, go with the flow.”

In response, ‘Daddy Dom’ Mysterio confessed, “We just sort of bonded straight off the bat. That was unexpected, to be honest, but indeed, we’ve been learning a lot from each other. We have an understanding, especially in public settings and as she mentioned, she’s quite… intense. I cherish the role I play in her life as the Yin to her Yang, helping her cool down and be at ease.”

[Video Content: An interview of Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio sharing professional experiences and common indulgences]

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