On a recent edition of the “Developmentally Speaking” podcast, Shane McMahon’s son, Declan McMahon, discussed his future aspirations after football, learning from his family, and more.
You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
On his future aspirations after football: “I really don’t know. I’ve got a lot of time to think about that. I’m working in the Kelley School of Business. I’m working on getting my degree in business management. I would love to shadow my grandfather, my dad, and my uncle, and just see how the business is run when I have the time to be able to fully commit to it. I would love to run other businesses and things like that that I’m interested in, but I’m really one of those guys that kind of goes where the wind takes you, and like I said, I’ve got a lot of times to think about it, but whenever the opportunity presents itself, I’ll capitalize on it to my fullest ability.”
On learning from his family: “I’ve truly been blessed with the family that I’m in. My grandfather is one of the most renowned businessmen in American history. Taking a company that pretty much declared bankruptcy and went out of business, and buying it back, and having that vision, playing to the market has been incredible.”
On how smart his father is: “I can’t think of anybody smarter than my dad. My dad originally wanted to buy the UFC when it was very low and a lot of people turned it down, my grandfather included. [They] turned it down because it was a different market and it wasn’t really a big thing back then, but my dad saw the vision and my dad sees his visions all the time. My dad wanted to invest in Disney and in a bunch of other companies. He truly sees the market in a way that I’ve never seen anybody else do. He’s so smart and I feel like people don’t always give him the credit for it that he deserves because a lot of the things that he does, obviously are behind the scenes, right? You know, you don’t always see the work that goes in and the time that he puts in, but fans are so quick to jump on his last match or his quad injury, whatever. Everybody instantly goes to, like, ‘Oh, you should retire’ Rather than appreciating the fact that he’s still doing it and the genius behind it. Being able to learn from my dad and my grandfather would be absolutely incredible, and learning from Paul [Paul Levesque aka Triple H], you know, he’s just so knowledgeable about the business, about creative. It’d be really great.”
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In a recent episode of the “Developmentally Speaking” podcast, Declan McMahon, the son of Shane McMahon, opened up about his future aspirations, learning from his family, and more. Let’s take a closer look at some of the highlights from the podcast.
When asked about his future aspirations after football, Declan mentioned that he is currently working in the Kelley School of Business and pursuing a degree in business management. He expressed his interest in shadowing his grandfather, Vince McMahon, his father, Shane McMahon, and his uncle, Triple H, to learn how the business is run. Declan also mentioned his desire to run other businesses that he is interested in. He described himself as someone who goes where the wind takes him and is open to capitalizing on opportunities when they arise.
Declan expressed gratitude for being part of such an influential family. He acknowledged his grandfather’s success as one of the most renowned businessmen in American history. Vince McMahon’s ability to turn around a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy and buy it back showcases his vision and market acumen.
Declan also spoke highly of his father’s intelligence, stating that he considers him to be one of the smartest individuals he knows. He shared an interesting anecdote about how Shane McMahon wanted to buy the UFC when it was still in its early stages, but many people, including Vince McMahon, turned down the opportunity. This demonstrates Shane’s ability to see potential and have a keen eye for market trends. Declan emphasized that his father’s intelligence often goes unnoticed by fans who focus more on his wrestling career and injuries rather than appreciating his business acumen.
In addition to learning from his father and grandfather, Declan expressed a desire to learn from Triple H (Paul Levesque), who is known for his extensive knowledge of the wrestling business and creative aspects. He believes that learning from Triple H would be a valuable experience.
The podcast episode also includes a video interview with Declan McMahon, where he further discusses his aspirations and shares insights into his family’s influence on his life.
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Overall, Declan McMahon’s interview provides a glimpse into his future plans, his admiration for his family’s achievements, and his eagerness to learn from their experiences. It highlights the importance of business acumen and the impact it has had on the McMahon family’s success in the wrestling industry.