Dax Harwood Discusses Occasionally Prioritizing Wrestling Over His Family

Dax Harwood Discusses Occasionally Prioritizing Wrestling Over His Family
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In a recent conversation with Power Alphas, Dax Harwood, part of the renowned wrestling duo FTR, shared some of the challenges he faced when he first signed up with WWE as a part of the NXT ensemble. He highlighted his concerns over wrestling overriding his family commitments. Here’s a peek into his remarks:

Harwood expressed his deep-seated affection for wrestling and his apprehension that his passion for the sport would monopolize his existence: “The love, respect and ardor I hold for wrestling felt like a double-edged sword when I started off in NXT. It took over my life as I expected everyone to be as consumed and engrossed in it as I was. Looking back to 10 or 12 years ago, I see I had let wrestling engulf my life.”

On occasions, he found himself placing wrestling ahead of his family. He commented: “There were instances when I elevated wrestling above my family and God, creating imbalance. This was not only unjust to me and my family, but it was also unfair to my colleagues and mentors.”

Below is a video where you can see his full conversation about leaving WWE, overcoming expectations, and dealing with mental health with Power Alphas.