The Rock then signed with WWF and ended up being the< period class=" highlight underline-offset-2 decoration-1 transition-all duration-300 cursor-pointer decoration-super md: hover: text-super" > Intercontinental champ in February 1997. Dan Lambert had the very first title The Rock ever kept in his profession, which was the< period class =" highlight underline-offset-2 decoration-1 transition-all duration-300 cursor-pointer decoration-super md: hover: text-super" > USWA Tag Title Team. When Johnson visited their health club to movie some material for his truth program, Dan handed him that old title belt, which triggered The Great One to break down since it suggested that much to him. Lambert stated,
” I in fact had the very first title The Rock ever held for a while, which was the USWA Tag Title. And he pertained to our fitness center to movie some truth program he was doing — MMA-related — and I in fact offered him that belt. And he resembled in tears getting that very first belt. It indicated that much to him.”
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