Damon Kemp Removed from WWE NXT, Stowed Away in a Trunk by the No Quarter Catch Team

Damon Kemp Removed from WWE NXT, Stowed Away in a Trunk by the No Quarter Catch Team
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As we confirmed earlier here at eWn, the WWE wrestler known as Damon Kemp, whose real name is Bobby Steveson, was let go by WWE on July 8th due to his contract not being renewed. Kemp’s departure comes after his brother, Gable Steveson, also left the organization in May.

The locker room was reportedly abuzz with surprise following Kemp’s unexpected departure. Yet, his release did not stop WWE from phasing him out of their television programming in a recent storyline featured on this week’s WWE NXT episode.

In recent times, the No Quarter Catch Crew has gone through numerous personnel transitions. Drew Gulak’s ousting created a power vacuum which Charlie Dempsey promptly filled. Dempsey’s shift in power led to a new focus; after he lost the NXT Heritage Cup to Tony D’Angelo, he became fixated on reshaping NQCC to emulate The D’Angelo Family’s successful template.

Most notably, Dempsey took notice of up-and-comer Tavion Heights, inviting him to join their group under the condition he bested Damon Kemp. Once this challenge was met, a clear message was sent – Dempsey was steering the group in a new direction as evidenced by his shocking act of confining Damon Kemp in the trunk of a car, and declaring, “mistakes will not be tolerated.”

Witness to this shocking scene was Wren Sinclair. However, she claimed she saw nothing, reinforcing the widely held belief that NXT’s parking lot is the most hazardous location associated with WWE. It is notorious for incidents ranging from attacks to alleged “homicides,” occurring at an astonishingly frequent rate.

We’d love to hear your perspective about this unconventional approach to writing Damon Kemp off the screen. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments section below.