Create A Modern Day Version Of The Natural Disasters | Question Of The Day

Create A Modern Day Version Of The Natural Disasters | Question Of The Day
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It’s time once again for your favorite feature here at eWrestlingNews—the ‘Question of the Day.’

Today we’re discussing possible inductees into the WWE Hall of Fame this year—specifically the former WWF Tag Team Champions The Natural Disasters. This leads us to thinking about the current WWE roster and considering who might be able to fill the shoes of this iconic tag team if they were on the scene today.

So here’s your question: if a modern day equivalent of Typhoon and Earthquake—the ‘New Natural Disasters’—was to be created, who from today’s wrestlers would fit these roles? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

As for my take on this…

My initial thought is Bronson Reed. With his size and build, he is also not featured heavily on the WWE card currently and his finishing move has even been given the name ‘tsunami.’ It seems like a fairly straightforward choice.

The challenge, of course, is finding a suitable counterpart for him.

I believe his tag team partner needs to be of similar stature. If we think of someone like Ilja Dragunov, though a strong fighter, he lacks the physicality to fill this role. From my point of view, the only options who have the right build could potentially be Ivar, Otis, Braun Strowman, Erick Rowan, and Omos.

Braun Strowman is clearly a big contender, however, he’s got a different build—more tall than wide—so I’m not entirely convinced he’s the right choice. On the other hand, Omos is worth considering, even though he’s not finding much success currently in WWE, this could be a great chance for him.

Personally I see Ivar as a prime candidate, especially if his current partner Erik were to leave WWE. With his size, athleticism and raw talent, he could be a real asset for this role.

Erick Rowan is currently assigned to The Wyatt Sicks and I believe it would be a bit redundant to move him from one tag team to another. Otis, though, could benefit from a change, especially since I feel Alpha Academy has run its course—and could provide the necessary ‘large and commanding presence’ that this tag team needs.

As for Jimmy Hart’s manager role, I don’t think a replacement is needed. Both Reed and Otis seem capable enough to hold their own on the microphone.

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments section below!