Corey Graves Dissects Chad Gable’s Rising Popularity, Karmen Petrovic Commends Natalya.

Corey Graves Dissects Chad Gable’s Rising Popularity, Karmen Petrovic Commends Natalya.
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In a recent episode of the “Over the Top” podcast, Corey Graves got into a discussion about the shifting outlook on talent opportunities within WWE. He centered his conversation around Chad Gable as an exemplary case.

Graves addressed the long-established issue of wrestlers being pigeonholed into certain roles. He recognized, however, that the new leadership is equipping them with novel avenues for expansion.

Graves offered an insight, saying, “Within the next year to 18 months, I believe we’re going to see a surge of superstars, who’ve made their way through NXT and into Raw or SmackDown, reinterpret their characters in a more authentic fashion. These are talents who, perhaps, haven’t been viewed in the same light as when they were shining in NXT, often due to a different set of perspectives and decision-makers. These superstars might have been steered away from who they originally seemed to be or were forced to adapt for one reason or another. Chad Gable is a glowing instance of such a transformation. After being confined to a misfit character for years, he’s receiving the creative freedom he deserves leading to his current acclaim.

In another recent episode of the “The Wrestling Classic Casual Conversations” podcast, WWE NXT star Karmen Petrovic heaped praises on veteran wrestler, Natalya. She commended Natalya for her unremitting dedication to the craft and praised her longevous career.

Petrovic shared, “Nattie has really been a role model. Her dedication is simply unrivaled. I learn a lot from her, especially about the importance of maintaining a lasting career in the industry. She believes it’s not just about immediate outcomes or the unfolding narrative, but about performance and passion. That’s a mindset that I plan to uphold in my journey. Nattie offers a fresh perspective to the game, highlighting that hard work doesn’t always result in an immediate victory. But as long as you go out there and put in your all, you’re on the right path. She enjoyed working with me and relayed those sentiments which meant a lot to me.